Guidelines for the management of the American white pelican, western population

Publication Type:




U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, p.8 p. + figures, tables, and worksheets (1984)

Call Number:



American White Pelican, colonial nesting species, management, Pelecanus erythrorynchos


The American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorynchos), a colonial nesting species, can be divided into two populations based on their breeding and wintering distributions. The populations include the western and the prairie populations, and recoveries of banded birds indicate little interchange between these two populations. The number of breeding birds in the western population is approximately 16,000, or 14% of the continental population of less than 120,000. Breeding occurs in a limited number of localities; therefore, the pelicans are considered a sensitive species. Fish and Wildlife Service management guidelines were initiated to prevent the potential listing of this species as threatened.

Interim objectives for the management of the American white pelican are to identify and implement opportunities to 1) maintain at least present numbers at extant colonies and 2) establish breeding populations at suitable occupied sites within the former breeding range. Guidelines include the management of habitat while considering the nesting and foraging needs of these pelicans.


Shelf Note: Electronic Files - Zoology: AVES