Habitat associations and abundance of a range-restricted specialist, the Cassia Crossbill (Loxia sinesciuris)

Publication Type:

Journal Article


The Condor: Ornithological Applications , Volume 120, p.666-679 (2018)

Call Number:



Cassia Crossbill, climate change, endangered species, Idaho, Loxia sinesciuris, Pinus contorta


This research article discusses two major threats of climate change on the Cassia Crossbill (Loxia sinesciuris) and its food resource, seeds of the Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta latifolia). First, increased numbers of hot summer days since 2003 apparently caused premature cone opening and seed shedding, leading to reduced seed availability and an 80% decline in Cassia Crossbill densities between 2003 and 2011. Second, climate change is predicted to prevent recruitment and could potentially cause the extirpation of lodgepole pine from the South Hills and Albion Mountains by 2080. Modeling showed because Cassia Crossbill have restricted distribution, a small population, and reliance on mature lodgepole pine, the threats posed by climate change represent a considerable conservation challenge.


Shelf Note: Electronic Files - Zoology: BIRDS