Craters of the Moon National Monument 1992 bird census

Publication Type:



National Park Service, Craters of the Moon National Monument, p.3 p. + tables and appendixes (1992)

Call Number:



aves, bird species, Breeding Bird Survey, Craters of the Moon National Monument, habitat analysis, point counts


The 1992 annual breeding bird survey at the Craters of the Moon National Monument documents a total of 248 individual birds of 34 species. The number of point sites visited this year was limited due to time and staffing constraints. Despite a later census date, the average species richness for the four priority vegetation types was greater in the 1992 census than the censuses conducted by D.L. Miller in 1990 and J. E. Sneed in 1991. The average species diversity was also greater than 1988, 1990, and 1991 census figures.


Shelf Note: Electronic Files - Zoology: BIRDS