Invertebrate observations, Craters of the Moon National Monument, mid-1960s (Hemiptera 1) [Excel spreadsheet]

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This Excel spreadsheet contains Hemiptera invertebrate observations made at Craters of the Moon National Monument, primarily during a study made in the mid-1960s. Todd Stefanic, wildlife biologist at the National Monument and Preserve, compiled information from a report finished in 1970 by entomologists D. S. Horning and W. F. Barr based on results of insect surveys conducted in 1964, 1965, and 1967 on Monument land. Stefanic also compiled additional sighting information from a 1944 article about Hemiptera in Idaho by H. M. Harris and W. E. Shull based on surveys in 1938, as well as specimen information collected from various museums based on deposits made by various collectors over an unknown number of years. Some of that data also adds sightings from other towns in the state. Information in the compilation spreadsheet includes, when known, common name, reported genus or scientific name and revised scientific name if nomenclature/taxonomy has changed), location, habitat description, date or date range of observation(s), and observer name. Where relevant, Stefanic added comments about current taxonomy. This July 2019 spreadsheet is a portion of an ongoing project to collect the observation information from the Horning and Barr report and covers at least 85 reported species, as well as additional genuses and subspecies, some with more than one location observation at the National Monument. Over 200 observation records could be imported, depending on taxonomy issues.


Electronic File - Zoology: Invertebrates