Surveys for amphibians on the Idaho Falls District of Bureau of Land Management

Publication Type:

Government Report


Idaho Department of Fish and Game, p.42 (2017)

Call Number:


Other Number:

Challenge Cost Share Agreement Number: L12AC20413


Ambystoma macrodactylum, Ambystoma mavortium, Anaxyrus boreas, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Boreal Toad, chytrid fungus, Lithobates pipiens, northern leopard frog, Pseudacris maculata, Pseudacris sierra, Rana luteiventris


In 2012 and 2014, IDFG and the Idaho Falls BLM District (IF District) initiated a survey to fill information gaps for amphibians to inform resource management plans and project-level planning efforts and to meet BLM policy directives to proactively conserve BLM-designated Sensitive species. We sought to address the needs of resource managers in eastern Idaho by conducting amphibian surveys, testing for presence of disease pathogens, assessing amphibian habitats, and recommending a monitoring program for long-term assessment of amphibians in the southeast Idaho region. Using standardized protocols over the spring and summer in 2012 and 2014, we conducted 362 surveys for amphibians that breed in or otherwise inhabit lentic and lotic water bodies. Across the IF District study area, we detected amphibians in 54 of 128 (42.2%) Level-6 Hydrologic Units (HUC) and surveyed 140 of 362 (38.7%) sites. We documented 7 of 9 native amphibian species predicted to occur in the study area, including SGCN and BLM Sensitive species. We collected swab samples from 161 individual amphibians at 70 survey sites to test for the presence of chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). We noted water turbidity; site alterations; beaver and fish presence; and key aspects of the productive amphibian habitats. Based on our survey results, relevant scientific literature, and conservation actions listed in the Idaho State Wildlife Action Plan, we provide a list of management recommendations for the IF District and the Pocatello, Upper Snake, Challis, and Salmon Field Offices to inform conservation planning efforts. We also provide recommendations for implementing a regional amphibian monitoring program that will allow resource managers to assess the population status of local amphibian species. Recommendations are based on monitoring frameworks set forth by the USGS Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI) and piloted regional efforts under ARMI that have implemented effective and sustainable amphibian monitoring programs.


Electronic File: Zoology: Herps

Note that 57 sightings made during this study were apparently entered via spreadsheet N14ABE01IDUS.

(Approximate CSE-style) citation: Waterbury BB, Abel R, Cavallaro R, Proett M, Wackenhut M. 2017. Surveys for amphibians on the Idaho Falls District of Bureau of Land Management. Boise: Idaho Department of Fish and Game. 42 p. Prepared for Bureau of Land Management, Idaho Falls District Office. Challenge Cost Share Agreement Number: L12AC20413.

Recommended citation by the authors: Waterbury, B., B. Abel, R. Cavallaro, M. Proett, and M. Wackenhut. 2017. Surveys for amphibians on the Idaho Falls District of Bureau of Land Management. Challenge Cost Share Agreement Number: L12AC20413. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise.