Northern Idaho ground squirrel population monitoring progress report for the 2008 field season

Publication Type:



Threatened and Endangered Species Project E-28-7, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, p.22 (2008)

Call Number:



northern Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus brunneus, Urocitellus brunneus


Population monitoring for the federally threatened northern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus; NIDGS) occurred during April through July 2008. This spring experienced unusually late snow melt, with snow cover persisting into April and delaying emergence from hibernation 2-3 weeks. Our apprehension that there would be corresponding widespread overwinter mortality was unfounded. NIDGS population numbers were similar to previous years and even higher at some sites.
Overall, the outlook for NIDGS improved in 2008, as numbers and distribution increased. The population estimate of 1,512 adults and yearlings was slightly greater than the previous high recorded in 2006, even with limited survey effort at 2 large sites. NIDGS occupied 47 sites in 2008, although about half of these supported ≤20 adults and yearlings. The proportion of sites on federally managed land has decreased as the overall number of sites increased. This changing distribution across ownerships has implications for recovery, as partnerships with private landowners will become more important.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology, Mammals

Cooperative Agreement No. 14420-6-J036.