Northern Idaho ground squirrel population monitoring progress report [October 2007]

Publication Type:



Threatened and Endangered Species Project E-28-6, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, p.20 (2007)

Call Number:



northern Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus brunneus, Urocitellus brunneus


Population monitoring for the federally threatened northern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus; NIDGS) occurred during April and May 2007. NIDGS were first observed above ground on 26 March, a typical date despite the mild weather conditions during early spring.
Overall, the NIDGS population appeared stable. The total 2007 estimate was 1,040 adults and yearlings, a 26% decrease from 2006, but with less focused survey effort at the larger sites. This species still occurs most frequently in small, potentially vulnerable colonies. NIDGS occupied at least 40 sites in 2007, with over half of those (29 sites) supporting <20 adults and yearlings. Only 2 sites supported >100 squirrels, although two others likely supported this many as well, based on 2006 surveys.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology, Mammals