Adaptive management plan for Ute ladies’ tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) on the Chester Wetlands Segment, Sand Creek Wildlife Management Area

Publication Type:



Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, Idaho, p.5 pp. (2006)

Call Number:



Chester Wetlands Segment, Sand Creek Wildlife Management Area, Spiranthes diluvialis, Ute Ladies’ Tresses


The Chester Wetlands Segment (CWS) of the Sand Creek Wildlife Management Area is located in Fremont County, 6 miles northeast of St. Anthony, along the northwest bank of the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River. The headquarters is located in the center of the property at the end of North River Road. The property is accessible by the public along North River Road. <br>

The Chester Wetlands encompasses 1,501 acres of deeded land, 1,481 acres of which can be irrigated. Wetlands cover 762 acres with an associated 30 ponds, and 371 acres of the property have been farmed historically. The property has a 37.2 cfs decreed water right, 1260 acre feet storage in Henry’s Lake, and 589 acre feet in Island Park Reservoir all through the Dewey Canal. Topography of the area is gentle with flat pastures that are broken with ponds and small hills. The northern boundary lies along the transition from river bottom to upland habitat. The southeast boundary is along the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River with 1.75 miles of river frontage. The south and western boundaries cut across irrigated pastureland. The property is at an elevation of 5,000 feet. Summers are warm and winters generally long and cold. Snow depths range from two feet to three feet or more. The mean annual temperature is approximately 430 F with summer temperatures reaching 1000 F at times and winter temperatures dipping to -400 F. Typically there are only 90 frost free days each year. Annual precipitation is around 15 inches and is distributed nearly evenly throughout the year with slightly less in July, August, and September.


Reference Code: U06GAM01IDUS <br>

Full Citation: Gamo S, Dingman K, Bonsignore C. 2006. Adaptive management plan for Ute ladies’ tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) on the Chester Wetlands Segment, Sand Creek Wildlife Management Area. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, Idaho, p.5 pp. <br>

Location: ELECTRONIC FILE - BOTANY: PLANT SPECIES: {Spiranthes diluvialis} <br>

Keywords: Ute ladies’ tresses, Spiranthes diluvialis, Chester Wetlands Segment, Sand Creek Wildlife Management Area <br>