Western forest insects

Publication Type:



Miscellaneous Publication No. 1339, U. S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, p.654 (1977)

Call Number:





insects, SWAP


This manual concerns itself with insects and related organisms in forests and woodlands of North America, west of the 100th Meridian and north of Mexico. ("Eastern Forest Insects," by Whiteford L. Baker [1972] covers the area east of the 100th Meridian.) The intended primary users are practicing foresters and others responsible for preventing or minimizing insect-caused damage to forests and wood products. Thus, major purposes of the manual are to facilitate recognition of insects and their damage and to provide needed information for determining a course of action. The manual should also be useful to students of forestry and entomology, professional entomologists, extension specialists, forestry technicians, forest owners, forest recreationists, teachers, and others. This manual supersedes "Insect Enemies of Western Forests," (Misc. Pub. No. 273), by F. Paul Keen, issued in 1938 and last revised in 1952. In this manual the discussion of insects is arranged in taxonomic order rather than by part of the tree affected. The number and kinds of insects and the geographic area covered are greatly increased. Photographs are used as a principal means of identification; no keys, either to the insects or their work, are included. No specific chemicals are mentioned. Since the last revision of the manual by Keen, literature on technical forest entomology has been expanded greatly. Also, texts, research publications, and materials such as the Forest Pest Leaflets (now being revised and reissued as Forest Insect and Disease Leaflets by the Forest Service) are much more generally available. Thus, an extensive bibliography is included. The literature search was terminated during 1973, but some subsequent articles are cited because of their pertinence.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates
]Note that tables are in our electronic copy of the reprinted version, but figures/photographs appear to be missing.]

SWAP (2/19/2016) citation (with some corrections per CSE style):
Furniss RL, Carolin VM. 1977. Western forest insects. Washington (DC): US Forest Service. (Miscellaneous Publication; no. 1339). 654 p. [accessed 2016 Jan 25]. http://www.co.monterey.ca.us/planning/major/Pebble%20Beach%20Company/Peb....

NOTE: "This publication supersedes 'Insect Enemies of Western Forests,' Miscellaneous Publication No. 273."