Washington state recovery plan for the upland sandpiper

Publication Type:



Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, p.50 (1995)

Call Number:





Bartramia longicauda, upland sandpiper


The upland sandpiper breeds over a broad geographical range in North America, but is rare west of the Rocky Mountains. Nesting has been reported in scattered areas in western Montana, southern British Columbia, Washington, Idaho, and Oregon. Upland Sandpipers winter in South America, primarily in Argentina. General abundance in North America has increased since market hunting was banned early in this century, though populations are still far from pre-market hunting levels. Upland sandpipers are associated with grasslands. Though historically associated with prairies and meadows, they have become established in many agricultural areas where grain crops, alfalfa, and grazed pastures predominate. In Washington, upland sandpipers have been rare throughout this century. From the late 1950s to present, the east Spokane Valley has received the most attention because birds were found to be present during most years. Small numbers have been observed there each year, and sandpipers have nested there at least twice. Numbers, however, have dwindled. During 1989, only three individuals were seen. Two sandpipers were present during the 1993 September migration. Surveys conducted during 1994 failed to detect any sandpipers. The areas in the east Spokane Valley once frequented by sandpipers have been steadily altered by housing developments, gravel pits, and changes in vegetative cover. This degradation of the habitat may be responsible for the loss of nesting birds. However, declining numbers are also apparent in Oregon where habitat change is less severe. This suggests that external factors may be contributing to a region-wide decline. Recovery of upland sandpiper numbers to a level at which the species can be considered secure will require management of habitat on a broad landscape level and establishment of nesting birds in landscapes where they are not currently present. Suitable areas to manage for upland sandpipers need to be identified. In the near term, habitat enhancement and surveys are suggested as a means to test the effectiveness of habitat improvement techniques for attracting colonizers to Washington State. As long as upland sandpipers, including migrant visitors, continue to be seen in eastern Washington, the attraction of colonizing nesters will be considered a viable option. Captive-rearing and translocation of birds will also be considered to help achieve recovery objectives. Recovery objectives for downlisting to threatened status are a five-year average of at least 20 May-census adults and secure nesting and foraging habitat comprised of at least 10 sites at least 100 ha (247 ac) in size. The objectives for delisting are a five-year average of 50 May-census adults and secure habitat comprised of at least 25 sites at least 100 ha in size.



Generic citation: McAllister, K. R. 1995. Washington state recovery plan for the upland sandpiper. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia. 50 pp. [though WDFW itself suggests using the agency name as the author]