Status of Antennaria arcuata (Meadow pussytoes) in Sublette County, Wyoming

Publication Type:



Bonnie Heidel


Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, p.51 pp (2013)

Call Number:




Surveys were conducted for Antennaria arcuata (Meadow pussytoes) in Sublette County, southwestern Wyoming. Potential habitat was surveyed throughout the Upper Green River Basin and the nearest potential habitat at the head of the Sweetwater River watershed. This report presents the results of the first systematic surveys in the Upper Green River Basin, documenting nine populations on all three sides of the basin, and building on all prior work. Antennaria arcuata was previously characterized as having a two-part distribution in Fremont and Sublette counties whereas results of the current survey suggest a more contiguous distribution pattern and expand information on habitat requirements. Incidental to surveying Antennaria arcuata, five other wetland species of concern were documented that are not otherwise known from BLM lands in Wyoming. One is a recently-recognized addition to the state flora. They do not occupy the same wetland vegetation zone but their confluent habitat provides context for understanding the habitat of Antennaria arcuata. Results for each of the five species are presented in a report chapter on additional survey results.


Reference Code: U13HEI01IDUS

Full Citation: Heidel, B. 2013. Status of Antennaria arcuata (Meadow pussytoes) in Sublette County, Wyoming. Prepared for the USDI Bureau of Land Management - Pinedale and Rock Springs Field Offices by the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database - University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

Location: ELECTRONIC FILE - BOTANY: { Antennaria arcuata }

Keywords: Antennaria arcuata, Meadow pussytoes, Carex microglochin, Kobresia simpliciuscula, Salix candida, Trichophorum pumilum, Utricularia ochroleuca