Southwest Idaho vernal pool and playa distribution and vegetation

Publication Type:



Chris Murphy


Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife Bureau, Habitat Section, Boise, p.23 + appendices (2012)

Call Number:



ecological systems, plant associations, rare plants, vernal pool


The goal of this project was to collect baseline information on vernal pools and playas in southwestern Idaho. Objectives were to classify and describe vernal pool and playa ecosystems, plant associations, and flora, including rare plants. Staff sampled 40 vegetation plots at 30 sites during 2008 and 2009. Existing vernal pool and playa vegetation plot data from southwest Idaho, west-central Idaho, and Davis’ peppergrass (Lepidium davisii) monitoring transects were also included in the complete dataset of 81 plots. Cluster analysis and ordination were used to determine classification at the plant association level. Fifteen vernal pool and playa plant associations were identified. Four plant associations had not been previously documented. At least 169 vascular plant taxa were documented from vernal pools and playas in southwest Idaho. Four new occurrences of rare plant species were recorded during this survey: profuseflower mesamint (Pogogyne floribunda), Bach's calicoflower (Downingia bacigalupii), California damsonium (Damasonium californicum), and thinleaf goldenhead (Pyrrocoma linearis). These surveys indicate widespread occupancy of vernal pools and playas in southwest Idaho by niche-specific flora and a broad diversity of plant associations, including rare types.


