Smooth greensnake, Opheodrys vernalis

Publication Type:

Book Chapter


Amphibians & reptiles native to Minnesota, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, MN, p.pp 187-188 of 256 pp (1994)

Call Number:



Liochlorophis vernalis, Opheodrys vernalis, Smooth Green Snake, Smooth Greensnake


This book excerpt summarizes life history information for the smooth greensnake [smooth green snake], Opheodrys vernalis [Liochlorophis vernalis] in Minnesota. The snake's activity season there is from mid-April through September. They are primarily diurnal, spend considerable time on the ground under vegetation, and will climb into shrubs for foraging or basking. They consume invertebrates, seizing prey with the mouth and swallowing them whole. They are especially vulnerable to pesticides given their arthropod diet; the investigator of one study cited collected two snakes from a pesticide-sprayed field, and they died within two weeks.


Reference Code: B94OLD01IDUS

Location: ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology

Citation (generic): Oldfield, B., and J. J. Moriarty. 1994. Smooth greensnake, Opheodrys vernalis. Pages 187-188 in Amphibians & reptiles native to Minnesota, University of Minnesota Press. 256 pp.

Citation (CSE style---for a part of a book that has same authorship as for entire book): Oldfield B, Moriarty JJ. 1994. Amphibians & reptiles native to Minnesota. Minneapolis (MN): University of Minnesota Press. Smooth greensnake, Opheodrys vernalis; p. 187-188.

[NOTE: The source of this text on hand probably wasn't correct about the last three words of the book title being a subtitle, judging from what I see at the University of Minnesota website. So I've not included any colon in the Amphibians & Reptiles title here.]