Sericostriata surdickae (Wiggins, Weaver and Unzicker 1995): a Northern Rocky Mountain Refugium caddisfly, Trichoptera: Uenoidae

Publication Type:

Web Article


Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, Portland, OR, p.4 (2008)

Call Number:




a caddisfly, Sericostriata surdickae, SWAP


Sericostriata surdickae is a tube-case making caddisfly endemic to Montana and Idaho. It is known from about 9 counties in these states, primarily in the border region between Montana and Idaho known as the Northern Rocky Mountain Refugium. Larvae of this species inhabit the upper surface of rocks in cold, fast-flowing perennial mountain streams. Water quality degradation and stream alteration as the result of heavy recreational use, logging, road construction, and water development may threaten S. surdickae habitat. Global climate change could also threaten this species’ habitat in the long-term. Research should focus on understanding the biology of this species, establishing the distribution and population size, and implementing effective habitat management.


ELEMENT FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates

SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
Mazzacano C. 2008. Sericostriata surdickae (Wiggins, Weaver and Unzicker 1995): a Northern Rocky Mountain Refugium caddisfly Trichoptera: Uenoidae. Portland (OR): Xerces Society. [accessed 12 Jan. 2015].