Review of Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) Inside Desert 2000-2002 survey data analyses

Publication Type:



p.29 pp. plus attachments (2009)

Call Number:




Lepidium papilliferum


In January, 2009, Stephen Wells conducted statistical and geospatial analyses on data for the Idaho-endemic annual/biennial mustard Lepidium papilliferum (LEPA) collected during field surveys in the Inside Desert of the Owyhee Uplift in southwest Idaho conducted by survey teams in springs 2000, 2001, and 2002. I was chief data collector and team leader for these Inside Desert LEPA survey efforts 2000-2002, from which the assessed data were collected. Full data collection forms, survey efforts/methodology, and results appear in reports prepared by myself for the Idaho Bureau of Land Management. I worked closely with Mr. Wells throughout the data analysis process to ensure that analyses were appropriately applied given the methodologies and constraints with which the data were collected. Mr. Wells recently produced a series of thorough reports of the methodologies, data analyses, and results (Wells, 2009a-e), which are attached at the end of this report. This report summarizes analysis results that I feel are most compelling and that I believe may be of most biological significance. While Mr. Wells analyzed data by each year, in some instances I thought it meaningful to summarize results averaged across all years 2000-2002; these are denoted if they were not statistically analyzed by Wells.


Reference Code: U09POP02IDUS

Full Citation: Popovich, S.J. 2009. Review of Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) Inside Desert 2000-2002 survey data analyses. Report prepared for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Idaho Fish and Wildlife Office, Boise, Idaho. 29 pp. plus attachments. Submitted to US Fish and Wildlife Service as part of comments on listing of slickspot peppergrass under the Endangered Species Act, Docket ID: FWS-R1-ES-2008-0096-0022.

Location: ELECTRONIC FILE BOTANY: PLANT SPECIES: {Lepidium papilliferum}