Northern Idaho ground squirrel progress report [February 2006 for 2005 field season]

Publication Type:



Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, p.i-ii, 17 (2006)

Call Number:



northern Idaho ground squirrel, Spermophilus brunneus brunneus, Urocitellus brunneus


This progress report summarizes IDFG’s population-monitoring efforts during the 2005 field season. Objectives were to (1) continue long-term mark-recapture studies at 5 intensive monitoring sites, (2) conduct extensive surveys at other known sites not trapped to estimate numbers present, and (3) explore various survey techniques to improve population estimates. GIS shapefiles were also created.
Overall, the NIGS population appears stronger than the lows reported 3 to 4 years ago, although this species still occurs most frequently in small, potentially vulnerable colonies. NIGS occupy 38 sites, with dispersal documented into 2 additional areas in 2003. As of 2005, only 2 sites were known or estimated to support >100 individuals, whereas 23 sites supported <20 animals.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Mammals, Processed

Note that this folder contains a February 2006 report version (a progress report) of the Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel monitoring work of 2005, as well as GIS shapefiles.