National wetlands priority conservation plan, 6/91 edition

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U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (1989)

Call Number:



The National Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan (NWPCP) provides a planning framework, criteria and guidance to determine the locations and types of wetlands, and interests in wetlands, that should receive priority consideration for Federal and State acquisition. The purpose of the NWPCP is to assist decisionrnakers in focusing their acquisition efforts on the more important, scarce and vulnerable wetlands in the Nation. The NWPCP was not intended to be a comprehensive wetland conservation plan. The authorized name for the NWPCP does not include "acquisition" in the title, but the Act specifies that the purpose of the NWPCP is priority planning for wetland acquisition. Implementation of the NWPCP will result in development of plans or modifications to existing plans that list wetland sites warranting priority consideration for Federal and State acquisition. The NWPCP will also assist the States in complying with section 303 of the Act, which requires that each Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) address wetlands within that State as an important outdoor recreation resource.


Reference Code: U91FWS02IDUS

Full Citation: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1989. National wetlands priority conservation plan. 6/91 edition. U.S.Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 56 pp.