Movements and home range use by boreal owls in central Idaho

Publication Type:

Conference Paper


USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Volume General Technical Report RM-142, Fort Collins, CO, p.175-184 (1987)

Call Number:



Aegolius funereus, boreal owl


Radio-marked boreal owls moved an average minimum of 1265 m between consecutive day roosts. Winter roosts tended to be further apart than summer roosts. Boreal owls moved greater distances during years of lower prey densities. Males roosted an average distance of 2460 m from their nest. During a high prey year roost to nest distances were shorter than in subsequent years. Radio-marked owls used different home ranges during winter and summer. Summer activity centers shifted an average 2333 m from winter areas and increased in elevation by 230 m. The shift was probably due to the owls' need for cool summer roost sites and higher prey densities in high elevation spruce-fir forests. Year round home ranges of 12 owls averaged 1528 ha (522-4119 ha), winter areas being larger than summer. Home ranges of adjacent owls overlapped extensively.


Reference Code: A87HAY01IDUS

Full Citation: Hayward, G. D., P. H. Hayward, and E. O. Garton. 1987. Movements and home range use by boreal owls in central Idaho. Pages 175-184 in R. W. Nero, C. R. Knapton, and R. J. Hamre, eds., Biology and conservation of northern forest owls: symposium proceedings. General Technical Report RM-142. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO.