Moths of western North America. 1. Distribution of Saturniidae of western North America

Publication Type:



Contributions of the C. P. Gillette Insect Biodiversity Museum, Colorado State University, Department of Entomology, Fort Collins, CO, p.[26] (1993)

Call Number:




Antheraea polyphemus, Hemileuca eglanterina, Hemileuca hera, Hemileuca nuttalli, Hyalophora columbia, Hyalophora euryalus, moths, Saturniidae


This atlas is the first in a series of atlases detailing the distributional occurrence of the moths of North America. Knowledge about moths in the West has accumulated rapidly, but is not generally available. Such knowledge exists in the form of collected specimens in curated institutional and private collections and has not usually been synthesized except in the form of sporadic papers and a few monographs on specific species groups, genera, and subfamilies. Here the authors compile distribution information from such collections [and literature?] for species of Saturniidae in the western U.S. (North Dakota south through Texas, with some data from northern Mexico and southwestern Canada near the borders with the U.S.). They note occurrences by placing points (to county) on line maps.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates

Citation (CSE-influenced style): Peigler RS, Opler PA. 1996. Moths of western North America. 1, Distribution of Saturniidae of western North America. Fort Collins (CO): Colorado State University, Department of Entomology. [26 p]. (Contributions of the C. P. Gillette Insect Biodiversity Museum).