Intermountain flora: vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A.

Publication Type:



The New York Botanical Garden, Volume Three, Part B, Fabales, Bronx, New York, p.279 p (1989)



Call Number:



Caesalpiniaceae, Fabaceae, Fabales, Mimosaceae


INTRODUCTION: Volume 3B of our Flora, treating the order Fabales, is the fourth part to be published, following on volumes 1 , 6, and 4. Volume 3A, treating the Rosidae other than Fabales, will follow. In a strictly taxonomic sequence, the Fabales should have come between the orders Rosales and Proteales in the subclass Rosidae, but we think no harm will be done by the present arrangement. <br>

Volume 3B has been written by Rupert C. Barneby, except for the genera Pediomelum and Psoralidium, by James W. Grimes. Dr. Barneby’s contribution is acknowledged on the title page of this volume, but we do not think it necessary to complicate the lives of librarians by listing him as one of the authors of the Flora as a whole. <br>

Species that occur in the Pacific Northwest as well as in the Intermountain region are here mostly illustrated by drawings that were prepared by Jeanne R. Janish and published in Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest (Univ. Wash. Pubi. Biol. 17. 1955—69). These drawings are reproduced by the kind permission ofthe University ofWashington Press. Other species in this volume are illustrated by new drawings by Bobbi Angell. <br>

In addition to the material at the New York Botanical Garden, Dr. Barneby has examined some critical specimens from the following herbaria, indicated by acronyms from Index Herbariorum: ARIZ, B, BM, BRY, CAS, COLO, DAy, DS, F, G, GH, ID, IDS, JEPS, K, LINN, LY, MIN, MO, NA, NDG, NESH, NMC, ORE, OXF, P, PH, POM, RENO, RM, RSA, SD, SMU, TEX, UC, US, USFS, UT, UTC, WILLU, WIS, WS, WTU, and YU. We gratefully thank the respective curators. <br>

The manuscript has been edited by Patricia K. Holmgren, and the plates assembled by Noel H. Holmgren. The importance of these time-consuming operations is not always suf ficiently appreciated. The equally demanding and even more labor-intensive work of typing the manuscript has been done by Lucy F. Kluska. <br>

We gratefully acknowledge the long-continued support of the National Science Foundation for the Intermountain Flora project, most recently in Grant BSR 8508063 to the New York Botanical Garden for Cronquist and Noel H. Holmgren. —ARTHUR CRONQUIST


Reference Code: B89BAR01IDUS <br>

Full Citation: Barneby, R. C. 1989. Intermountain flora. Volume 3, Part B. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY. 279 pp. <br>


Keywords: Fabales, Mimosaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Fabaceae <br>