An integrated rangeland fire management strategy. Final report to the Secretary of the Interior [Secretary Order 3336]

Publication Type:



U. S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC, p.82 (2015)

Call Number:




fire management, rangeland management, SWAP


An Integrated Rangeland Fire Management Strategy (the Strategy) is intended to improve the efficiency and efficacy of actions to address rangeland fire, better prevent and suppress rangeland fire, and improve efforts to restore fire-impacted landscapes. These activities involve targeted investments to enhance efforts to manage rangeland fire in specific portions of the Great Basin region, consistent with efforts of tribal, state, and other lands, and in keeping with the trust responsibilities to Indian tribes and other statutory obligations. Essential to the success of the Strategy is improving efforts to work on a landscape-level and better employing science and technology to target areas of high priority for preventing, suppressing, and restoring fire-impacted landscapes using a risk-based approach. Through application of “All Hands, All Lands” management, increased collaboration among Federal, state, tribal, and local officials, natural resource managers, and the fire community can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall rangeland fire management effort. A commitment to monitoring changes in resource conditions to evaluate the effectiveness of different management strategies will improve learning and, through adaptive management, increase the success of the Strategy. Better managing rangeland vegetation and reversing the spread of invasive, non-native grasses, such as cheatgrass, is critical to breaking the invasive species–fire cycle that has contributed to the increased frequency and intensity of rangeland fires. By planning projects at a landscape scale to reduce and control invasive species and rapidly restore lands impacted by fire to native vegetation, progress in protecting and restoring the iconic sagebrush-steppe ecosystem for the benefit of all can be achieved.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Multiple Species; ELECTRONIC FILE - Ecology

SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
[DOI] US Department of the Interior. 2015. SO 3336 – The Final Report: An Integrated Rangeland Fire Management Strategy. In: US Department of the Interior, editor. [??] Washington (DC): US Department of the Interior.
The document itself would be interpreted as follows:
[DOI] US Department of the Interior. 2015. An integrated rangeland fire management strategy. Final report to the Secretary of the Interior [Secretary Order SO 3336]. Washington (DC): US Department of the Interior. 20 p. + app.