The history, ecology and management of the Rocky Mountain population of trumpeter swans

Publication Type:



p.259 + app (1987)

Call Number:



Cygnus buccinator, Trumpeter Swan


Because of the decline of the Tristate Subpopulation of trumpter swans in the 1980s and the poor productivity of swans at Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, we questioned our basic assumptions about our entire approach to management. To reassess, we sought out and assembled 50 years of data that had been collected by many individuals on Rocky Mountain trumpeter swans. Most of the data were previously unpublished and represent years of effort over the years when the swans literally recovered from the brink of extinction. We reexamined and synthesized the collected data; integrated all the information on population dynamics, behavior, environmental variables, management actions, etc.; and synthesized the data within an historical perspective. Taken together, the many pieces provide an understanding of the ecology of Rocky Mountain trumpeters and of the factors, both historic and current, that influence their survival today.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Birds

Other information for CSE citation style: Project funding was provided primarily by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuges Division, Denver. (Additional funds were from Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, and the Trumpeter Swan Society.)