Habitat destruction by collectors associated with decreased abundance of rock-dwelling lizards

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Biological Conservation, Elsevier Ltd., Volume 125, Issue 1, p.47-54 (2005)

Call Number:





Aspidoscelis tigris, Cnemidophorus, Side-blotched Lizard, Uta stansburiana, Western Whiptail


Declines in biodiversity caused by habitat loss have been well documented on large spatial scales; however, effects of habitat loss on small scales have received little attention. Some common methods of reptile collection, primarily for commercial harvest, result in destruction of cracks, crevices, and other cool, moist microhabitats in desert rock outcrops. The authors developed a method for identifying habitat destruction associated with reptile collecting. They surveyed lightly and heavily disturbed areas near Phoenix, AZ, to determine whether microhabitat loss caused by collectors was associated with decreased relative abundance of reptiles. Of four diurnal lizard species studied, relative abundance of two rock-dwelling species was negatively correlated with level of microhabitat destruction, whereas relative abundance of one ground-dwelling species and one habitat generalist species was not. Habitat destruction caused by collectors may have negative effects, not only at the individual level, but also at the population and community levels. The authors recommend regulating commercial trade in reptiles, disallowing collecting activities that cause habitat damage, increasing law enforcement, and creating and delivering educational programs directed primarily at novice collectors.
