Ground-dwelling squirrels of the Pacific Northwest

Publication Type:



U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Snake River Fish and Wildlife Office; Bureau of Land Management, Spokane District Office and Oregon State Office, Boise, ID, p.28 [+ 1 plate] (2003)

Call Number:



Belding's ground squirrel, Columbian Ground Squirrel, golden-mantled ground squirrel, Merriam's ground squirrel, northern Idaho ground squirrel, Piute Ground Squirrel, Southern Idaho Ground Squirrel, SWAP, Uinta ground squirrel, white-tailed antelope squirrel, Wyoming ground squirrel


This small field guide provides an illustration for each of the 19 ground-dwelling squirrels residing in the Pacific Northwest, as well as a species account and small distribution map for each.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology (and on numerous shelves around the office)

SWAP (2/10/2016) citation (plus illustrator of the guide):
Yensen E, Sherman PW. 2003. Ground-dwelling squirrels of the Pacific Northwest. Hooper WP, illustrator. Boise (ID): US Fish and Wildlife Service, Snake River Fish and Wildlife Office. 28 p. [accessed 2015 Jun 1].

Note: Ward P. Hooper is the illustrator. No selections in the Author field cover that, an important category for a field guide!