Fishes of the Great Basin: a natural history

Publication Type:



Max C. Fleischmann Series in Great Basin Natural History, University of Nevada Press, Reno, NV, p.425 (1987)

Call Number:




fishes, Great Basin, SWAP


This book is for fisherman, naturalists, ichthyologists, fishery biologists, pet owners, and people who just want to know about fish. Families are presented in phylogenetic order (that is, from the least to the most specialized). Within families, species are listed alphabetically---first by genera and then under genera by species. The text has two sections. The first is general, discussing the characteristics, behavior, and values of fish; the second describes life histories of fishes of the Great Basin. Each species is discussed under nine subheadings. The amount of space used for each fish life history depends on the economic and ecological importance of the species rather than the amount of literature available. The annotated checklist briefly describes each species that may or may not be established in the Great Basin. Appendix 1 lists established fishes of the Great Basin. With a few exceptions, only subspecies of cutthroat trout are listed, although there are many other important subspecies, especially among the native minnows and killifishes. Appendix 2 lists fishes mentioned in the text that do not appear in Appendix 1 or the annotated checklist. The Great Basin is defined as that area of the United States draining internally in the states of Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Nevada, California, and Oregon, excluding the Salton Sea.


Location: Copy missing

Other information about the book if needed:
Illustrators of the book: Sophie Sheppard and Jim Morgan
Editor of the Max C. Fleischmann series in Great Basin natural history: John F. Stetter

SWAP (2/19/2016) citation [with illustrator and series names added]:
Sigler WF, Sigler JW. 1987. Sheppard S, Morgan J, illustrators. Fishes of the Great Basin: a natural history. (Max C. Fleischmann series in Great Basin natural history). Reno (NV): University of Nevada Press. 425 p.