Fifty-first supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Auk, American Ornithologists' Union, Volume 127, Issue 3, p.726-744 (2010)

Call Number:




AOU check-list, SWAP


This supplement is the 10th since publication of the seventh edition of the Check-list of North American Birds (American Ornithologists’ Union [AOU] 1998). It summarizes decisions made between 1 January and 31 March 2010 by the AOU’s Committee on Classification and Nomenclature—North and Middle America. Changes in this supplement include the following: 1) one genus (Chrysomus) and eight species (Oceanodroma monorhis, Ixobrychus minutus, Ardea purpurea, Platalea leucorodia, Glareola pratincola, Elaenia albiceps, Luscinia sibilans, and Chrysomus icterocephalus) are added to the main list (including three species transferred from the Appendix) on the basis of new distributional information; 2) the distributional statement of one species (Trogon melanurus) is changed because of a split from an extralimital species; 3) three species are changed (to Melanitta americana, Trogon caligatus, and T. chionurus) by being split from extralimital species; 4) six species (Caprimulgus arizonae, Chasiempis sclateri, C. ibidis, Icterus northropi, I. melanopsis, and I. portoricensis) are added as a result of splits from species already on the list; 5) two species (Troglodytes hiemalis and T. pacificus) are added by being split both from an extralimital taxon (T. troglodytes) and from each other; 6) five species (Melozone fusca, M. albicollis, M. crissalis, M. aberti, and Amphispiza quinquestriata) are transferred to currently recognized genera; 7) five genera (Psilorhinus, Peucaea, Oreothlypis, Parkesia, and Rhynchophanes) are added because of splits from other genera, resulting in changes to 20 scientific names; 8) a new scientific name (Vermivora cyanoptera) is adopted for one species because of a nomenclatural problem with the previous scientific name (V. pinus); 9) the citation for one species (Dendroica pinus) is changed; 10) the endings of the specific or subspecific names of two taxa (Acanthidops bairdi and Vireo gilvus swainsoni) are corrected; 11) the English names of three species (Caprimulgus vociferus, Chasiempis sandwichensis, and Icterus dominicensis) are modified as a result of taxonomic changes, the English name of one species (Puffinus gravis) is modified for global conformity, and the hyphen is removed from the English name of one species (Empidonomus aurantioatrocristatus); and 12) two species (Empidonomus aurantioatrocristatus and Thryothorus sinaloa) are added to the list of species known to occur in the United States. Numerous changes are made at higher levels of the classification on the basis of new genetic data. Four newly recognized orders Phaethontiformes, Suliformes, Accipitriformes, and Eurypygiformes) are added to the main list by being split from existing orders, and 11 newly recognized or restored families (Pandionidae, Capitonidae, Semnornithidae, Polioptilidae, Cettiidae, Phylloscopidae, Acrocephalidae, Donacobiidae, Megaluridae, Calcariidae, and Viduidae) are added to the main list by splits from existing families. Two families (Ardeidae and Threskiornithidae) are transferred from the order Ciconiiformes to the order Pelecaniformes. New linear sequences are adopted for species in the genera Cyanolyca, Aimophila, and Pipilo, and the sequences of genera within the Cotingidae and portions of the Corvidae and Emberizidae are rearranged to reflect new findings on relationships. One genus (Lipaugus) is moved from Incertae Sedis to the Cotingidae. The family placement of one species (Chamaea fasciata) is changed on the basis of new information on its phylogenetic relationships. The English group names of three orders (Pelecaniformes, Ciconiiformes, and Falconiformes), one suborder (Pelecani), and three families (Ramphastidae, Sylviidae, and Cardinalidae) are modified because of changes to the composition of these groups.



SWAP (2/19/2016) citation (with punctuation corrects in authors):
Chesser RT, Banks RC, Barker FK, Cicero C, Dunn JL, Kratter AW, Lovette IJ, Rasmussen PC, Remsen JV Jr, Rising JD, et al. 2010. Fifty-first supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk. 127(3):726–744