Fifty-fifth supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Auk: Ornithological Advances, Central Ornithology Publication Office, Volume 131, Issue 4, p.CSi-CSxv (2014)

Call Number:




AOU check-list, SWAP


This supplement is the 14th since publication of the 7th edition of the Check-list of North American Birds (American Ornithologists’ Union [AOU] 1998). It summarizes decisions made between May 15, 2013, and May 15, 2014, by the AOU’s Committee on Classification and Nomenclature—North and Middle America. Changes in this supplement include the following: 1) three species (Ciconia maguari, Phylloscopus collybita, and Sporophila lineola) are added to the main list on the basis of new distributional information; 2) four species (Thalassarche salvini, Rallus tenuirostris, Phylloscopus examinandus, and Junco insularis) are added to the main list as a result of splits from species already on the list; 3) two species (Rallus obsoletus and R. crepitans) are added to the main list and one species (Rallus longirostris) is lost because of the split of that species; 4) three species names are changed (to Ninox japonica, Gymnopithys bicolor, and Sporophila corvina) because of splits from extralimital species; 5) the distributional statement of one species (Pyrrhura picta) is changed because of splits of extralimital species; 6) the distributional statement and English name of one species (Thalassarche cauta) and the distributional statement of another (Phylloscopus borealis) are changed as a result of taxonomic changes; 7) seven genera (Leptotrygon, Zentrygon, Eupsittula, Psittacara, Cassiculus, Spermestes, and Euodice) are added as a result of splits from other genera, resulting in changes to 20 scientific names (L. veraguensis, Z. carrikeri, Z. costaricensis, Z. lawrencii, Z. albifacies, Z. chiriquensis, Z. goldmani, Eupsittula nana, E. canicularis, E. pertinax, P. holochlorus, P. strenuus, P. finschi, P. euops, P. chloropterus, P. mitratus, Cassiculus melanicterus, S. cucullata, Euodice malabarica, and E. cantans); 8) one genus (Clibanornis) is added as a result of a transfer of a species (C. rubiginosus) to a formerly extralimital genus; 9) four genera (Nandayus, Hyloctistes, Oryzoborus, and Padda) are lost by merger (into Aratinga, Automolus, Sporophila, and Lonchura, respectively) and the scientific names of seven species (Aratinga nenday, Automolus subulatus, S. nuttingi, S. funerea, S. crassirostris, S. angolensis, and L. oryzivora) are thereby changed; 10) the type locality for one species (Synthliboramphus craveri) is corrected; 11) the English names of 10 species (Buteogallus anthracinus, B. gundlachii, B. urubitinga, Phylloscopus proregulus, Chlorospingus flavopectus, C. tacarcunae, C. inornatus, C. pileatus, C. flavigularis, and C. canigularis) are changed to reflect new information on their phylogenetic relationships; 12) the English name of one species (Lonchura punctulata) is changed to conform with global usage; and 13) one species (Thalassarche eremita) is added to the Appendix. In addition, the English names of three species are transferred to other scientific names in the aftermath of taxonomic changes: thus, Clapper Rail is now the English name for Rallus crepitans rather than R. longirostris, Bicolored Antbird is now the English name for Gymnopithys bicolor rather than G. leucaspis, and Variable Seedeater is now the English name for Sporophila corvine rather than S. americana. One family name (Locustellidae) is changed in accordance with the rules of priority for group names. New linear sequences are adopted for species in the genera Dendrocincla, Saltator, and Sporophila, and for species currently and formerly (see below) in the genera Geotrygon, Aratinga, Hyloctistes, Automolus, Thripadectes, Lonchura, and Padda, all due to new phylogenetic data.



SWAP (2/19/2016) citation (with corrections):
Chesser RT, Banks RC, Cicero C, Dunn JL, Kratter AW, Lovette IJ, Navarro-Sigüenza AG, Rasmussen PC, Remsen JV Jr, Rising JD, et al. 2014. Fifty-fifth supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk: Ornithological Advances. 131(4):CSi-CSxv.