The family Orthotrichaceae in Greenland: a taxonomic revision

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Lindbergia, Nordic Bryological Society, Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society, Volume 4, p.57-103 (1977)

Call Number:



Ulota curvifolia


Eleven members of the family Orthotrichaceae are reported from Greenland: Ulota curvifolia (WAHLENB.) LILJ., Orthotrichum alpestre HORNSCH., O. jamesianum SULL., O. pallens BRID., O. rupestre SCHWAEGR., O. speciosum NEES, O. pylaisii BRID., O. sordidum SULL. & LESQ., O. obtusifolium BRID., Amphidium lapponicum (HEDW.) SCHIMP. and A. mougeotii (B. S. G.) SCHIMP. Previously nineteen taxa have been reported from this area, twelve of which are reduced to synonyms or excluded. Four of the eleven species are reported for the first time. The Greenlandic occurrences are discussed in relation to the total area of distribution. The local finds of O. alpestre, O. jamesianum, O. pallens and O. sordidum are explained by survival in glacial refugia. The known ranges of the species are mainly considered to be remnants of preglacial circumpolar distributions. The sporophyte frequencies of O. pylaisii and O. speciosum are shown to be slightly dependent on the geographic latitude. The taxonomic part includes keys to genera and species, synonymy, descriptions, line drawings, lists of specimens studied, notes on the habitat and specific variation. An index to names and synonyms with taxonomic comments includes names of 99 taxa, of which the type specimen(s) of 76 were studied.


Reference Code: A77LEW01IDUS

Full Citation: Lewinsky, J. 1977. The family Orthotrichaceae in Greenland: A taxonomic revision. 4: 57-103.