Coordinating livestock and timber management with the grizzly bear in Situation 1 Habitat, Targhee National Forest

Publication Type:

Conference Paper


Grizzly Bear Habitat Symposium, April 30 - May 2, 1985, USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Volume General Technical Report INT-207, Ogden, UT, p.195 ‐ 203 (1986)

Call Number:



grizzly bear, Ursus arctos


Adjustments were made in the timber and livestock management programs to accommodate the needs of the grizzly bear in Situation 1 habitat. Some of the major adjustments in the timber management program include reducing cutting unit size; using silvicultural prescriptions to benefit understory forage plants; increasing the size of leave strips; road closures; cover objectives that would not decline below 50 percent; and maintaining security areas of at least 5,000 acres. Some of the major adjustments in the livestock management program include closing four sheep allotments; converting one sheep allotment to a cattle allotment; full-time monitoring of all sheep allotments; restricting methods of handling bear predation problems; and removing sheep from an allotment in cases of conflict.


Reference Code: A86ORM01IDUS

Full Citation: Orme, M. L., and R. G. Williams. 1986. Coordinating livestock and timber management with the grizzly bear in Situation 1 Habitat, Targhee National Forest. Pages 195-203 in G. P. Contreras and K. E. Evans, compilers, Proceedings, Grizzly Bear Habitat Symposium, Missoula, MT, April 30 - May 2, 1985. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT-207, Intermountain Research Station, Ogden, UT.