Changes in small mammal communities after logging in north-central Ontario

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Canadian Journal of Zoology, NRC Research Press, Volume 61, Issue 5, p.970-980 (1983)

Call Number:




Clethrionomys gapperi, Deer Mouse, logging, Myodes gapperi, Peromyscus maniculatus, Southern Red-backed Vole


Changes in small mammal communities following logging were monitored in clear-cut and strip-cut upland black spruce (Picea mariana) stands and in selectively cut mixed wood stands in north-central Ontario. Clear-cutting and subsequent scarification essentially eliminated the vegetative cover. Much of the ground cover recovered within three years and shrubs within 12 years, but mosses and lichens took much longer. The small mammal community in both clear-cut and strip-cut stands changed over the first three years after logging from one dominated by southern red-backed voles (Clethrionomys [Myodes] gapperi) to one dominated by deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus) and then remained relatively stable for up to 13 years after harvest. That shift was not apparent in selectively cut mixed wood stands where the composition of the small mammal community was similar between uncut stands and stands 4-23 years after harvest. There was relatively little change in total numbers of small mammals after logging. In general, the diversity and evenness of small mammals increased or remained stable in the first 1-3 years following harvest, decreased on older (3-16 years) cuts, and then increased to values similar to those in uncut stands on the oldest (19-23 years) cuts.
