Anthropogenic disturbances and rare tiger beetle habitats: benefits, risks, and implications for conservation

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews, Brill, Volume 4, Issue 1, p.41-61 (2011)

Call Number:




Cicindela, tiger beetles


This review summarizes the literature and some primary data on the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on tiger beetle habitats, including how these effects may help or harm populations of rare species and how understanding the effects is important in tiger beetle conservation and management. The main focus is on U. S. species, but relevant literature from other regions of the world is included. The author first discusses tiger beetle habitats and the importance of open patches and then reviews how human disturbances may be essential for creating these open areas of habitat but may also negatively impact populations and act as limiting factors. The factors discussed are 1) vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrian foot traffic; 2) livestock grazing and other animal activities; 3) soil movement and deposition; 4) irrigation and cultivation; and 5) dams, diversions, and shoreline structures. Lastly, the author reviews the threat of encroaching vegetation from natural succession and invasive species into rare tiger beetle habitats and how implementing disturbance regimes may counter this threat and be used in conservation and management of rare tiger beetles.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates