Analysis of some historically unfamiliar Canadian mayflies (Ephemeroptera)

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Canadian Entomologist, Entomological Society of Canada, Volume 134, Issue 2, p.141-155 (2002)

Call Number:



Acerpenna akataleptos, Cinygmula confusa, Cinygmula gartrelli, Cinygmula par, Ephemeroptera, Heptagenia adaequata, Neoephemera bicolor, Parameletus croesus, Plauditus rubrolateralis, Rhithrogena gaspeensis, Serratella molita, Serratella serratoides, Siphlonurus autumnalis


Twelve historically unfamiliar Ephemeroptera species described from Canada over 65 years ago were studied. Diagnostic characters are given that validate Acerpenna akataleptos (McDunnough) (Baetidae), whereas certain larval specimens of the genus Acerpenna Waltz and McCafferty cannot yet be associated with any species. Cinygmula confusa (McDunnough, 1924), syn.nov., (Heptageniidae) is shown to be a junior synonym of Cinygmula par (Eaton, 1885), and Serratella serratoides (McDunnough, 1931), syn.nov., (Ephemerellidae) is shown to be a junior synonym of Serratella molita (McDunnough, 1930). New distribution records are given for Ironodes flavipennis Traver (Heptageniidae), Cinygmula gartrelli McDunnough, Heptagenia adaequata McDunnough (Heptageniidae), and Siphlonurus autumnalis McDunnough (Siphlonuridae), including the first substantiated records for the latter three from the United States. A first larval description of S. autumnalis is provided. Ephemerella fratercula McDunnough (Ephemerellidae) is apparently rare, but its previously doubtful North Carolina record is confirmed. All larvae previously reported as Neoephemera bicolor McDunnough (Neoephemeridae) cannot be placed to any nominal species. Parameletus croesus (McDunnough) (Siphlonuridae), Plauditus rubrolateralis (McDunnough) (Baetidae), and Rhithrogena gaspeensis McDunnough (Heptageniidae) are distinctive species but are known from few records.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates