2012 Amended Sawtooth National Forest plan

Publication Type:



U. S. Forest Service, Issue Amended (2012)

Call Number:





Sawtooth National Forest, SWAP


The Sawtooth National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (hereafter referred to as “the Forest Plan” or “the Plan”) guides natural resource management activities on lands administered by the Sawtooth National Forest. It describes management goals and objectives, resource protection methods, desired resource conditions, and the availability and suitability of lands for resource management. The purpose of the Plan is to provide management direction to ensure sustainable ecosystems and resilient watersheds that are capable of providing a sustainable flow of beneficial goods and services to the public. The Plan is the implementing guide for fulfilling the Forest Service mission of “Caring for the land and serving people.” This revised Forest Plan defines the programmatic management strategy for the Sawtooth National Forest for the next 10 to 15 years. However, the revised Forest Plan does not in itself implement any specific actions or projects. Rather the revised plan, through its land allocation prescriptions and management direction, sets the stage for the following: the actions needed to be taken, or not, to move toward desired conditions and goals; the management strategies that should be used to help frame when, where, and why action or inaction is needed to help move toward achievement of desired conditions during this planning period; the type of activities that are allowed or not allowed to best address management strategies and related Management Prescription Category (MPC) emphasis and direction; the intensity, duration, and limitations on management actions needed to manage risks and threats to resources and the social and economic environment, while maintaining or moving toward achievement of desired conditions.



SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
[FS] US Forest Service. 2012. 2012 Amended Sawtooth National Forest land and resource management plan. [place unknown]: US Forest Service. [accessed 2015 Nov 23]. http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/sawtooth/landmanagement/planning/?cid=stel...