Coeur d'Alene River
Tributary of the Spokane River
Species Observed in Surveys
- Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis observed in 2022
- Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi observed in 2022
- Northern Pikeminnow Ptychocheilus oregonensis observed in 2022
- Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss observed in 2022
- Shorthead Sculpin Cottus confusus observed in 2022
- Torrent Sculpin Cottus rhotheus observed in 2022
- Brown Bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus observed in 2007
- Largescale Sucker Catostomus macrocheilus observed in 2007
- Longnose Dace Rhinichthys cataractae observed in 2007
- Longnose Sucker Catostomus catostomus observed in 2007
- Mountain Whitefish Prosopium williamsoni observed in 2007
- Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus observed in 2007
- Redside Shiner Richardsonius balteatus observed in 2007
- Speckled Dace Rhinichthys osculus observed in 2007
- Tench Tinca tinca observed in 2007
- Brown Trout Salmo trutta observed in 2006
- Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha observed in 2006
- Kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka observed in 2006
- Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides observed in 2006
- Rainbow x Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss x clarkii observed in 2006
- Yellow Perch Perca flavescens observed in 2006
Fish Stocking Records
Date | Species | Quantity | General Size |
2013/06/24 | Chinook Salmon - Fall | 10,202 | Fingerling (3-6 inches) |
2002/07/25 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 750 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2002/07/17 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 750 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2002/07/10 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 756 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2002/07/01 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 756 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2002/06/26 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,008 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2002/06/20 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,050 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2002/06/13 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,005 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2002/06/05 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,005 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/08/30 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 625 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/08/20 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 500 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/08/09 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 625 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/07/27 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 754 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/07/19 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 780 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/07/10 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 754 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/07/06 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 754 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/06/28 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,008 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/06/21 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,024 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/06/11 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,023 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/06/04 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,023 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2001/05/24 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 2,516 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1998/07/01 | Rainbow Trout | 600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1997/07/16 | Rainbow Trout | 600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/08/27 | Rainbow Trout | 621 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/08/19 | Rainbow Trout | 621 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/08/12 | Rainbow Trout | 621 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/08/07 | Rainbow Trout | 621 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/07/30 | Rainbow Trout | 594 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/07/24 | Rainbow Trout | 594 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/07/17 | Rainbow Trout | 594 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/07/10 | Rainbow Trout | 600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/07/03 | Rainbow Trout | 595 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/06/26 | Rainbow Trout | 1,003 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/06/19 | Rainbow Trout | 1,003 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/06/14 | Rainbow Trout | 1,003 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/06/05 | Rainbow Trout | 1,000 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/05/31 | Rainbow Trout | 1,250 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1991/05/30 | Rainbow Trout | 1,250 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/08/24 | Rainbow Trout | 200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/08/14 | Rainbow Trout | 1,250 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/08/07 | Rainbow Trout | 250 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/08/03 | Rainbow Trout | 250 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/07/31 | Rainbow Trout | 252 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/07/27 | Rainbow Trout | 250 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/07/24 | Rainbow Trout | 500 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/07/16 | Rainbow Trout | 400 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/07/11 | Rainbow Trout | 400 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/07/06 | Rainbow Trout | 600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/06/29 | Rainbow Trout | 1,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/06/22 | Rainbow Trout | 1,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/06/19 | Rainbow Trout | 1,002 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/06/15 | Rainbow Trout | 2,640 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1990/05/24 | Rainbow Trout | 254 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1989/08/09 | Rainbow Trout | 2,241 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1989/07/20 | Rainbow Trout | 1,350 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1989/07/12 | Rainbow Trout | 1,350 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1989/06/29 | Rainbow Trout | 2,400 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1989/06/14 | Rainbow Trout | 1,260 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1989/06/06 | Rainbow Trout | 2,240 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1989/05/26 | Rainbow Trout | 1,232 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1989/05/25 | Rainbow Trout | 1,260 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1988/08/31 | Rainbow Trout | 1,040 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1988/08/04 | Rainbow Trout | 1,245 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1988/08/03 | Rainbow Trout | 1,260 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1988/07/27 | Rainbow Trout | 1,281 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1988/07/11 | Rainbow Trout | 1,720 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1988/06/29 | Rainbow Trout | 1,712 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1988/06/14 | Rainbow Trout | 1,501 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1988/06/07 | Rainbow Trout | 1,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1988/06/03 | Rainbow Trout | 1,600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1988/05/25 | Rainbow Trout | 2,496 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/08/18 | Rainbow Trout | 1,137 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/08/05 | Rainbow Trout | 1,505 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/07/27 | Rainbow Trout | 1,565 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/07/21 | Rainbow Trout | 500 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/07/14 | Rainbow Trout | 936 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/07/09 | Rainbow Trout | 500 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/06/29 | Rainbow Trout | 950 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/06/25 | Rainbow Trout | 1,625 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/06/18 | Rainbow Trout | 1,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/06/15 | Rainbow Trout | 1,026 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/06/08 | Rainbow Trout | 1,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/05/12 | Rainbow Trout | 1,219 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1987/05/11 | Rainbow Trout | 1,280 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1986/08/14 | Rainbow Trout | 802 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1986/08/04 | Rainbow Trout | 1,680 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1986/07/22 | Rainbow Trout | 1,218 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1986/07/16 | Rainbow Trout | 1,680 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1986/06/30 | Rainbow Trout | 2,780 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1986/06/25 | Rainbow Trout | 1,155 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1986/06/11 | Rainbow Trout | 504 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1986/05/21 | Rainbow Trout | 1,307 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1986/05/20 | Rainbow Trout | 1,192 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1985/09/06 | Rainbow Trout | 1,075 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1985/08/30 | Rainbow Trout | 1,290 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1985/08/29 | Rainbow Trout | 710 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1985/06/19 | Rainbow Trout | 6,000 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1985/05/31 | Rainbow Trout | 4,800 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1985/05/24 | Rainbow Trout | 1,600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1984/07/26 | Rainbow Trout | 5,160 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1984/07/25 | Rainbow Trout | 2,500 | Fingerling (3-6 inches) |
1984/07/20 | Rainbow Trout | 1,935 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1984/06/29 | Rainbow Trout | 5,400 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1984/06/21 | Rainbow Trout | 1,445 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1984/05/23 | Rainbow Trout | 1,020 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1984/05/18 | Rainbow Trout | 4,080 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1983/08/31 | Rainbow Trout | 2,560 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1983/06/29 | Rainbow Trout | 3,800 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1983/06/01 | Rainbow Trout | 1,760 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1983/05/20 | Rainbow Trout | 5,500 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1982/09/20 | Rainbow Trout | 900 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1982/09/02 | Rainbow Trout | 2,100 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1982/08/05 | Rainbow Trout | 4,920 | Fingerling (3-6 inches) |
1982/08/03 | Rainbow Trout | 1,280 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1982/06/22 | Rainbow Trout | 9,360 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1982/06/17 | Rainbow Trout | 4,680 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1982/05/27 | Rainbow Trout | 640 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1981/08/12 | Rainbow Trout | 3,000 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1981/08/07 | Rainbow Trout | 3,000 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1981/07/21 | Rainbow Trout | 3,840 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1981/07/15 | Rainbow Trout | 1,440 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1981/07/02 | Rainbow Trout | 2,875 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1981/06/25 | Rainbow Trout | 3,000 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1981/06/15 | Rainbow Trout | 3,600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1981/05/31 | Rainbow Trout | 2,400 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1980/06/19 | Rainbow Trout | 2,900 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1980/06/18 | Rainbow Trout | 2,320 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1980/06/11 | Rainbow Trout | 3,480 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1980/06/10 | Rainbow Trout | 1,760 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1980/06/04 | Rainbow Trout | 3,150 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1980/06/03 | Rainbow Trout | 3,600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1980/05/16 | Rainbow Trout | 1,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1980/05/14 | Rainbow Trout | 1,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/08/28 | Rainbow Trout | 1,480 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/08/21 | Rainbow Trout | 1,360 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/08/17 | Rainbow Trout | 3,230 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/06/23 | Rainbow Trout | 1,500 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/06/19 | Rainbow Trout | 1,000 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/06/11 | Rainbow Trout | 2,160 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/06/08 | Rainbow Trout | 2,160 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/06/04 | Rainbow Trout | 1,080 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/05/24 | Rainbow Trout | 640 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/05/23 | Rainbow Trout | 1,280 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1979/05/21 | Rainbow Trout | 1,280 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1978/08/17 | Rainbow Trout | 1,960 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1978/07/31 | Rainbow Trout | 3,080 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1978/07/17 | Rainbow Trout | 1,840 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1978/07/13 | Rainbow Trout | 1,610 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1978/06/29 | Rainbow Trout | 700 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1978/06/21 | Rainbow Trout | 700 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1978/06/05 | Rainbow Trout | 1,400 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1978/06/03 | Rainbow Trout | 1,160 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1978/05/23 | Rainbow Trout | 725 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1978/05/20 | Rainbow Trout | 1,160 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1977/08/16 | Rainbow Trout | 1,760 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1977/08/15 | Rainbow Trout | 1,760 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1977/07/26 | Rainbow Trout | 1,075 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1977/07/12 | Rainbow Trout | 1,075 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1977/06/22 | Rainbow Trout | 1,640 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1977/06/16 | Rainbow Trout | 724 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1977/06/03 | Rainbow Trout | 990 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1977/05/23 | Rainbow Trout | 1,000 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1977/05/18 | Rainbow Trout | 1,000 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1977/05/16 | Rainbow Trout | 840 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/09/13 | Rainbow Trout | 1,110 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/08/16 | Rainbow Trout | 1,440 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/08/11 | Rainbow Trout | 1,440 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/07/26 | Rainbow Trout | 1,160 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/07/19 | Rainbow Trout | 1,450 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/07/15 | Rainbow Trout | 1,590 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/06/11 | Rainbow Trout | 1,480 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/06/07 | Rainbow Trout | 5,350 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/06/05 | Rainbow Trout | 1,480 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/06/04 | Rainbow Trout | 3,195 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1976/05/28 | Rainbow Trout | 1,300 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1975/08/26 | Rainbow Trout | 3,040 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1975/08/06 | Rainbow Trout | 1,520 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1975/07/22 | Rainbow Trout | 3,500 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1975/07/09 | Rainbow Trout | 360 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1975/06/25 | Rainbow Trout | 2,730 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1975/06/24 | Rainbow Trout | 2,730 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1975/06/19 | Rainbow Trout | 720 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1975/06/17 | Rainbow Trout | 1,440 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1975/06/16 | Rainbow Trout | 3,360 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1974/08/28 | Rainbow Trout | 1,880 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1974/08/15 | Rainbow Trout | 1,800 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1974/07/25 | Rainbow Trout | 1,575 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1974/07/24 | Rainbow Trout | 1,800 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1974/07/10 | Rainbow Trout | 4,700 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1974/07/08 | Rainbow Trout | 860 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1974/07/02 | Rainbow Trout | 800 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1974/06/27 | Rainbow Trout | 1,600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1973/07/19 | Rainbow Trout | 490 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1973/06/29 | Rainbow Trout | 1,840 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1973/06/25 | Rainbow Trout | 301 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1973/06/22 | Rainbow Trout | 1,720 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1973/06/20 | Rainbow Trout | 2,150 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1973/06/13 | Rainbow Trout | 2,240 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1973/06/07 | Rainbow Trout | 1,880 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1973/06/06 | Rainbow Trout | 5,450 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1973/05/31 | Rainbow Trout | 1,560 | Adults |
1973/05/22 | Rainbow Trout | 1,800 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/09/13 | Rainbow Trout | 880 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/08/29 | Rainbow Trout | 880 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/08/28 | Rainbow Trout | 1,400 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/08/22 | Rainbow Trout | 1,920 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/08/14 | Cutthroat Trout - Unspecified | 30,240 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1972/08/09 | Rainbow Trout | 203 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/07/28 | Rainbow Trout | 3,600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/06/29 | Rainbow Trout | 1,680 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/06/28 | Rainbow Trout | 4,030 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/06/23 | Rainbow Trout | 1,680 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/06/20 | Rainbow Trout | 3,360 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/06/19 | Rainbow Trout | 1,700 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/06/16 | Rainbow Trout | 1,700 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/06/15 | Rainbow Trout | 1,700 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/08/30 | Rainbow Trout | 2,063 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/08/25 | Cutthroat Trout - Unspecified | 29,640 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1971/08/18 | Rainbow Trout | 3,840 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/08/11 | Rainbow Trout | 2,080 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/08/02 | Rainbow Trout | 3,760 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/07/29 | Rainbow Trout | 1,845 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/07/19 | Rainbow Trout | 2,880 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/07/13 | Rainbow Trout | 3,520 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/07/01 | Rainbow Trout | 3,520 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/06/24 | Rainbow Trout | 1,680 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/06/22 | Rainbow Trout | 2,880 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/06/18 | Rainbow Trout | 1,080 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/06/17 | Rainbow Trout | 1,680 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1971/06/16 | Rainbow Trout | 2,880 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1970/08/17 | Cutthroat Trout - Unspecified | 34,900 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1970/08/11 | Rainbow Trout | 1,600 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1970/08/07 | Rainbow Trout | 6,800 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1970/07/28 | Rainbow Trout | 2,700 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1970/07/07 | Rainbow Trout | 5,480 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1970/07/06 | Rainbow Trout | 3,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1970/07/02 | Rainbow Trout | 3,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1970/06/11 | Rainbow Trout | 2,835 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1970/06/10 | Rainbow Trout | 5,670 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1970/06/09 | Rainbow Trout | 2,410 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/08/22 | Rainbow Trout | 2,350 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/08/21 | Rainbow Trout | 4,700 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/08/14 | Rainbow Trout | 3,900 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/08/12 | Cutthroat Trout - Unspecified | 28,800 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1969/08/06 | Rainbow Trout | 2,400 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/07/23 | Rainbow Trout | 1,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/07/18 | Rainbow Trout | 3,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/07/16 | Rainbow Trout | 3,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/07/09 | Rainbow Trout | 2,300 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/07/03 | Rainbow Trout | 1,760 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/06/26 | Rainbow Trout | 2,018 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/06/10 | Rainbow Trout | 3,605 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1969/06/06 | Rainbow Trout | 4,200 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1968/09/03 | Rainbow Trout | 1,040 | Fingerling (3-6 inches) |
1968/08/21 | Rainbow Trout | 7,700 | Fingerling (3-6 inches) |
1968/08/01 | Cutthroat Trout - Unspecified | 29,810 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1968/07/24 | Rainbow Trout | 1,000 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1968/07/22 | Rainbow Trout | 5,635 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1968/07/08 | Rainbow Trout | 3,920 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1968/06/28 | Rainbow Trout | 1,680 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1968/06/19 | Rainbow Trout | 1,080 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1968/06/17 | Rainbow Trout | 3,480 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1968/06/14 | Rainbow Trout | 2,400 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1968/06/12 | Rainbow Trout | 2,520 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
Stream Flows and Boating
Licenses and Tags
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- By phone & credit card:
1-800-554-8685 - License Vendors
- IDFG Offices
Learn more about IDFG Licenses, Tags & Permits
Fishing Rules, 2025 - 2027
All Waters Open All Year
Except as modified in Special Rules
Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap.
Daily Bag Limits
The following daily bag limits apply to all waters within each region except as modified in the Special Rules. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit.
Special Rules
Coeur d'Alene River and tributaries from the mouth to the confluence of the North Fork and South Fork- Trout limit is 6, no harvest of any trout with a red or orange slash below jaw
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