Black Lake
Salmon River Drainage
Black Lake in Adams County is 25.8 acres.
Black Lake (45.18829 N, -116.55976 W) is a 10.4 ha lake located at an elevation of 2200 m in the Little Salmon River drainage 50 km northwest of McCall. The lake is accessed from Black Lake Road after traveling north on Council Cuprum Road. No additional hiking is required. * these directions are meant as a general guide. Always check with the land managment agency for trail status and safety.
Species Observed in Surveys
- Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss observed in 2021
- Tiger Muskellunge Esox masquinongy x lucius observed in 2012
- Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis observed in 2008
Fish Stocking Records
Date | Species | Quantity | General Size |
2024/09/23 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 3,495 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2022/08/25 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 3,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2020/09/05 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 3,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2018/08/10 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 3,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2017/09/28 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 2,000 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2016/10/05 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2016/09/19 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,000 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2016/08/25 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 4,000 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2015/10/03 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,750 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2014/10/08 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 3,867 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2013/09/27 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,800 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2012/10/04 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 5,570 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2011/09/29 | Cutthroat Trout - Westslope | 2,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2010/09/18 | Cutthroat Trout - Westslope | 4,600 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2009/08/03 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 2,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2007/06/06 | Tiger Muskellunge | 420 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
2006/08/03 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 2,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2003/07/31 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 2,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
2000/08/25 | Rainbow Trout - Triploid | 1,021 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1997/08/09 | Rainbow Trout | 2,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1994/09/25 | Rainbow Trout | 1,250 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1991/08/26 | Rainbow Trout | 2,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1988/08/08 | Rainbow Trout | 2,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1985/08/23 | Rainbow Trout | 2,501 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1982/08/06 | Rainbow Trout | 2,295 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1980/08/21 | Rainbow Trout | 1,000 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1974/09/04 | Rainbow Trout | 1,500 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
1973/07/27 | Rainbow Trout | 2,050 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1972/08/03 | Rainbow Trout | 1,680 | Catchable (6+ inches) |
1968/08/01 | Rainbow Trout | 1,360 | Fry (0-3 inches) |
Licenses and Tags
- Online
- By phone & credit card:
1-800-554-8685 - License Vendors
- IDFG Offices
Learn more about IDFG Licenses, Tags & Permits
Fishing Rules, 2025 - 2027
All Waters Open All Year
Except as modified in Special Rules
Fishing is not allowed within the posted upstream and downstream boundary of any fish weir or trap.
Daily Bag Limits
The following daily bag limits apply to all waters within each region except as modified in the Special Rules. The possession limit is 3-times the daily bag limit.
Special Rules
No Special Rules for Black Lake.Find an error? Please let us know what is wrong so we can get it fixed up! Report a Problem