Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.

Displaying 826 - 850 of 3534 questions

Q: Area from houses you can shoot shotguns legally

How far must you be from houses or man made structures to shoot shotguns legally?


This is a very broad question and cannot be answered accurately without more information. Idaho does not have a state law requiring a particular distance from a house for discharge of a firearm.  Some cities and counties have adopted ordinances with this regard.  Please contact the City or County in which you wish to discharge your firearm.
answered 10/4/2014

Q: Resident hunting licenses

How many hunting licenses were sold to Kootenai county residents last year?


In calendar year 2013 there were 19,282 hunting licenses issued to Kootenai county residents.
answered 10/2/2014

Q: Motorized hunting rule

So in reading the motorized hunting rule it leads one to believe that the use of motorized atv's as an aid to hunt big game is banned in all units and only permitted on the hunting units with motorized hunting rule zones (29,30,30A,32,32A,36A,37,37A,45,47,49,50,51,52,52A,53,56,58,59,59A,66,66A,69,70,72,73,75,76,77 AND 78 during August 30- December 31. So can one use ATV's as an aid to hunting big game in all the units or just in the units described in the Motrorized hunting rule on page 105? One can not use the aid of ATV while hunting in any unit or only units in the motorized hunting rule on page 105?


The Motorized Hunting Rule applies only to those units displayed in orange on the map on page 105. In these designated units, between August 30-December 31, big game hunters (including moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat hunters) may use motorized vehicles only on established roadways that are open to motorized traffic and capable of being traveled by full-sized automobiles. Designated trails and roads in all other big game units (white areas on map) are open to the use of ATV’s as an aid to hunting as long as the ATV user abides by all US Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management travel plans.   For questions about the status of a road or trail in the area you plant to hunt, please contact the appropriate land managment agency.   Idaho Dept. of Parks and Recreation's statwide online map, available at also lists what type of motorized use is allowed on Federal and State lands statewide.         
answered 10/2/2014

Q: Name Change

My name changed after I purchased my license, do I need to get a new one?


It would probably be a good idea. You can update your customer information at any vendor while purchasing additional permits or a duplicate license.
answered 10/1/2014

Q: steelhead size limit

is the limit on the Clearwater still one fish 28 inches or smaller again this year? we usually come to Orofino a couple times a year but with that size limit we may just go to the coast next year


The 1-fish 28" size limit was just for last steelhead season.  Rules and bag limits have reverted back to those posted in the 2013 - 2015 Fishing Rule booklet.
answered 10/1/2014

Q: Public River Access Points

Does IDFG manage the Public access to the Snake River is it some other government entity? If it is IDFG is there some type of map? I am interested in finding the closest public access to McTuckert Ponds in Bingham county for the upcoming waterfowl season.


There are a number of different governmental entities that maintain and manage public access sites on the Snake River.  Some are managed under partnership agreements between Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game and counties or Bureau of Reclamation, others are county owned and operated.  We publish a Boating and Fishing Access Guide for all sites which we own, manage or partner on with other entities.  That document can be picked up at any regional office or you can electronically access the document and information through our Fish Planner: or by accessing our Boating and Fishing Access Guide at: . 
answered 9/30/2014

Q: Is a power wheelchair a motorized vehicle

I am wheelchair bound, using a power wheelchair while hunting deer. Is this a motorized vehicle?


Yes, your power wheelchair is considered a motorized vehicle. A motorized vehicle is defined as any water, land, or air vehicle propelled by means of steam, petroleum products, electricity, or any other mechanical power as set forth in Section 36-202, Idaho Code. If you possess a disabled hunting license, you can apply for a Motorized Hunter Permit that makes it legal for you to shoot from a motorized vehicle, as long as the vehicle is not in motion.  For more information or for a copy of the application, visit any Fish and Game office or print from our website:  
answered 9/29/2014

Q: Elk Zone Objective Numbers

Are the objective figures for each elk zone a minimum or a maximum number? In other words, if a zone is above objective is the goal managing it to get populations down to the objective? I read someplace that in Montana objective numbers are a maximum, and MT FWP tries to keep populations from exceeding the max.


In both the 1999 and 2014 elk management plan, elk zone population objectives are presented as a range of numbers.  IDFG strives to manage the  elk population to be within that range of numbers.  
answered 9/29/2014

Q: Out of the water?

What is considered out of the water when you want to take a picture with a stergeon you just caught?


Sturgeon must not be removed from the water and must be released upon landing.  Disrupting the buoyancy of a sturgeon can damage the skeletal structure; this is too far out of the water.  Sturgeon can be rolled over onto their backs in the water before removing the hook.  This generally calms the fish down making it easier to remove the hook.  Do not grasp a sturgeon by the gills.  Do not mark, scar, or put a tail rope on the sturgeon. 
answered 9/28/2014

Q: Bow fishing

What are all the things that are needed for fishing with a recurve bow? What arrows? What licences are needed?


You can only bow hunt for nongame fish (carp, suckers, tench).  All you need is a current Idaho fishing license.  We have no rules on arrow types, weights or tips.  There are also no rules on bows such as let-off or weight.     Some previously posted answers might help here, but don't quite answer this:  
answered 9/28/2014

Q: Carrying a side arm in Wallace G. National Forest, Blue Creek area of Coeur d'Alene

The Wallace G. National Forest is a bow hunting only area in Blue Creek Bay area. It is well posted that no firearms are allowed. I always carry a side arm while bow hunting for personal protection and my hunting buddy always tells me I am not allowed to carry it since it states no firearms. Can you clarify if I am legally allowed to carry it in that area.


We do not restrict firearms in our archery only seasons.  Please contact the relative National Forest in regards to the postings you describe. 
answered 9/28/2014

Q: Recovery Dogs

Can a person use a dog to recover downed game?


Yes, in 2010 the Commission adopted the following rule:  Blood Trailing Dogs. The use of one (1) blood-trailing dog controlled by leash during lawful hunting hours and within seventy-two (72) hours of hitting a big game animal is allowed to track animals and aid in recovery. A Hound Hunting Permit is not required.
answered 9/28/2014

Q: Can I hunt Eurasian doves on the reservation without a reservation permit?

I want to go help a farmer out that has a big problem with Eurasian doves but they are on the reservation can I go shoot them as long as they are Eurasian doves?


Eurasian collared doves are considered an invasive species as such there are no seasons and no limits.  They can be taken at any time with any weapon and in any number.  Idaho Fish and Game have no rules governing their take etc other then you would need to leave a wing or head naturally attached to them in the field for identification in your bag.  Since you are asking about reservation lands it would be best for you to contact your local Tribal agency to clarify any special regulations they might have.  Tribal reservations are managed under the jurisdiction of the local tribal government and they may or may not have special regulations you need to be aware of within the reservation boundaries.
answered 9/27/2014

Q: Crayfish eggs

What happens to babies attached to mother crayfish when mother is or might be dead?


It depends on the stage of development when the mother dies.  If the juvenile crayfish have reached the size where they can digest organic material, once they detach from the mother, they can strike out on their own.  Survival of juvenile crayfish is very low due to all the natural predators (fish, amphibians, birds, etc.).  If the juveniles have not fully developed their digestive system, then they will die.
answered 9/27/2014

Q: Is an elk that has been wounded by an arrow and dies later considered to have "died from natural causes"?

I found a dead bull elk that was wounded in archery season and was never recovered. Can I keep the horns? There is no is no definition of what natural death is in the regs, and only parts of natural deaths can be salvaged.


An arrow wound is not natural.  This animal would not have died if not hit by the arrow.  No parts of this animal can be legally salvaged.
answered 9/26/2014

Q: Hunt doves over grain placed for ag use?

I have permission to hunt a field for doves. The farmer just placed a grain pile in that field so he could feed his critters with it. Now the doves are flocking to it. Is it legal to hunt them there? The intent is to feed critters not the doves.


Hunting over placed bait is not legal; 2014 and 2015 Seasons and Rules for Upland Game, Furbearer & Turkey page 21.  Dove's are  migratory birds.  Please review the 2014 Waterfowl Seasons and Rules, page 13, for more detailed information regarding bait.
answered 9/25/2014

Q: Black's Creek Reservoir

Is Black's Creek Reservoir open to dove, quail, and waterfowl hunting for fall/winter of 2014/2015 season?


Public land around Black's Creek Reservoir, outside of any administrative areas such as parks, boat ramps, etc., are open for access.  There has been issues with vandalism around the outlet area in the past and road access is restricted. The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has not closed any bird hunting in that geographic area.  Water levels may affect waterfowl abuandance in the area.  Please honor any Safety Zone postings to provide public safety to other users.
answered 9/25/2014

Q: Hunting in Farragut with a controlled elk permit.

Can I hunt elk in the Farragut State Park, even though I drew a controlled hunt permit for Unit 2 (#2128)?


No, you cannot hunt elk in Farragut State Park.  This is primarily for safety concerns because of the presence of campers, hikers, and other recreationist during the season..  The Unit 2 boundary description states "Farragut State Park and Farragut WMA, closed except for as allowed by Commission proclamation."  The only hunting season in the park and the WMA is an archery-only season for white-tailed deer.
answered 9/25/2014

Q: Non resident leftover elk tag exchange

I am a resident and I purchased a leftover non resident elk tag. I'm wondering if I can exchange a leftover non resident Middle Fork Zone A tag for a leftover non resident Boise River Zone A tag?


Yes you can make the exchange. However, it will need to be done prior to the opening date of the hunt which is October 1 for the Middle Fork A tag.
answered 9/25/2014

Q: Are semiautomatic rifles permitted?

Are semiautomatic permitted during the general session deer hunt?


Yes you can use semiautomatice rifles to hunt deer during the general season.  Fully automatic weapons are of course illegal. I don't know if you'd need a semi-automatic rifle since a bolt action is the best to use for the reasons that it is simple, reliable, and safe. Unless you feel that a quick follow up shot is absolutely necessary I'd advise you to stick with a bolt action rifle for deer. You can make a follow up shot quick enough. Just don't hunt until you know you can consistenly hit the animal in the vital area thus making a follow up shot unnecessary.
answered 9/24/2014

Q: Draw and Open Bear Hunts

There are draw black bear hunts in some parts of western idaho. I have a friend that has harvested some really nice bears over the years as he as drawn in those hunts. My question is, can I hunt the open Spring bear hunt and still put in to draw a fall draw bear hunt? My dilemma is that I would hate to miss out on an entire spring hunt to later not get drawn for the draw fall hunt. I am hoping maybe to be able to do both. Is that possible?


Yes, you can participate in a general season spring bear hunt, apply for the fall controlled bear hunt and be eligible to draw a tag for the fall controlled bear hunt too.
answered 9/24/2014

Q: Hunting cottontail in the Eagle Rock area

Cotton tail season just opened and I have seen plenty of them in the eagle rock area. I was wondering if that area was open for cotton tail hunting.


Yes, the Eagle Rock area below American Falls Reservoir is open to cottontail hunting.  The season runs from August 30, 2014 - February 28, 2015.  The daily bag limit is 8 and the possession limit is 24 cottontails.  The Eagle Rock area is a mix of BLM, Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), and private property, so be aware land ownership in the area  you are hunting.  It might be helpful to use the map center on our IDFG web site to help plan your hunt and determine ownership.  If you are not familiar with the map center and need assistance using it please feel free to call an IDFG regional office.  Thank you for your question.
answered 9/24/2014

Q: Hunt Planner land ownership question

When overlaying the land management layer in the Map Center, large southern sections of Units 56, 57 & 73A have lands listed as Dept of Interior and either Dept of Agriculture or Dept of Reclamation (the shade of blue is very similar). Can you tell me what those lands are, because they do not show up as public in other applications.


Near the intersection of Units 56, 73A, and 73 the USDA lands appear to be the Curlew National Grasslands.  For more information about the Grasslands, I would contact Caribou-Targee Westside NF Ranger District at: Pocatello Office4350 Cliffs DrivePocatello, Idaho 83204(208) 236-7500 The IDFG Magic Valley Regional office would probably be your best resource for information about this area.  I encourage you to contact them at (208) 324-4359   Pam Bond GIS Analyst      
answered 9/24/2014

Q: Accessing state ground landlocked by private property

There is a piece of state ground shown on the map that is surrounded by private property with no road access for approximately 1/2 miles in each direction. Can I legally cross the private ground to access the state owned public property in order to hunt? The private property is clearly posted no trespassing/hunting. It would seem there should be some type of easement to allow hunters access to these state owned properties as long as they do not hunt on the private ground while crossing. Thank you for your help.


Under current state law, you cannot cross the private property without the permission of the landowner.  There are thousands of acres of public land in Idaho in this similar situation.  The Department works hard through its Access Yes! program to try and open up these public parcels, but does not have the funding or cooperation of the private landowner to get to all of them.
answered 9/24/2014

Q: Can Idaho native americans hunt in different states using they're off reservation hunting tags?

Can enrolled Idaho native americans hunt in different states using their reservations "off reservation" tags?


Various tribes set their own rules and seasons for hunting on their land.  We recommend that you contact them directly for correct information. 
answered 9/23/2014