Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.
Displaying 451 - 475 of 3534 questionsQ: If you want to trap in a different state after moving ang had a trapping license in the previous state?
What is u want to trapp in a state that u just moved to and u had a license in the previous stateA:
In Idaho, you can participate in trapping by purchasing a trapping license and following all rules and regulations.answered 7/27/2015
Q: I wasn't able to print my online ID deer tag/license, how can I get a copy?
I wasn't able to print my online ID deer tag/license, how can I get a copy?A:
Big game tags and permits that must be notched, validated or attached to a carcass cannot be printed if purchased via the Internet. Those items will be printed and mailed to customers.answered 7/27/2015
Q: Special pricing for archery
Why do we pay more for archery? Just because we choose to use a bow, rifle hunters don't pay extra to use a gun. Why is that?A:
Many years ago, the bow hunters association made a request that IDFG create an archery stamp and require those who participate in archery only hunts to purchase the archery stamp. The Idaho stamp program was canceled in 1998 after all IDFG licenses, tags and permits became electronic. Those items that used to be stamps were converted to permits or validations on licenses.answered 7/25/2015
Q: Restrictions on use of motorized boats on Henry's Fork?
Where can I find motorized outboard restrictions on the Henry's Fork above Island Park reservoir?A:
Motor restrictions on the Henrys Fork are governed by Fremont County. You can find the ordinance that restricts motor use on the Mack’s Inn reach at this link: 7/25/2015
Q: Night Vision
Night Vision: Allowed, for raccoon and coyote only as long as the proper permission and spotlight permit is obtained. Where do I obtain a spotlight permit? Also if I'm only using NV and not a spotlight, do I still need the permit? Who and how do I get a hold of someone to notify them when and where I decide to hunt at night on Public Lands? Thank you for your help.A:
A spotlight permit may be applied for at your local Idaho Fish and Game Regional Office. Ask to speak with the Regional Conservation Officer regarding the permit. There are several stipulations that must be met before a permit will be issued. If you are simply using NVG for Predatory and Unprotected Wildlife, as defined by Idaho Code, and you are not casting a light of any kind, you do not need a spotlight permit. This of course requires you to utilize only ambient light and your NVG. All other rules, and laws are still applicable. -Josh Royse, Regional Conservation Officer, Magic Valley Regionanswered 7/25/2015
Q: Two elk tags
I currently hold a resident smokey mountain elk tag. Can I also purchase an out of state middle fork tag?A:
Yes.answered 7/24/2015
Q: Can I kill magpie's that are eating my chicken eggs
We have numerous magpie's that are eating our free-range chicken's eggs. Can I kill them? Our neighbor said they are protected because they are the Mexican state bird. We live in Idaho.A:
Magpies are a protected migratory bird and can not be hunted or killed without a permit. Both a state and Federal permit are required to kill magpies. The best long term solution to magpies eating chicken eggs is to protect the chickens and exclude the magpies. Federal and state requirements will require non lethal methods of control before lethal control will be authorized. The Code of Federal Regulations 50 cfr21.43 is the federal restriction and exceptions to killing magpies. Also an Idaho Fish and Game take permit is required for magpies. Contact your nearest regional office to get the FG permit.answered 7/23/2015
Q: Regular Deer Tag
Can I use a regular deer tag to hunt whitetail deer in the whitetail deer season or do I need a whitetail deer tag for those hunts?A:
The regular deer tag is valid for mule deer and white-tailed deer.answered 7/23/2015
Q: Mule deer "tumors?"
On Sunday, July 19, 2015, a mule deer buck came into our salt lick. I noticed a large lump on his left shoulder and another one on his right shoulder. However, when he turned to the side, his entire right side was covered with lumps varying in size from golf ball to softball size. He probably had between 15 and 20 lumps but otherwise seemed healthy and they didn't seem to affect him. I have never seen anything like this and wondered if you could tell me what they are?A:
Mule deer and whitetail "tumors" can be benign or malignant depending on the growth. The most commonly encountered tumor is the benign fibroma caused by the papilloma virus and are quite common in deer. Maybe not surprisingly, they can be more regularly seen around salt licks as the virus is spread by contact or biting insects and any place of congregation may help spread the diseases. They don't seem to affect the animal unless they interfere with feeding or sight, and don't impact the meat for eating. Deer often recover from the virus and the papilloma disappear.answered 7/23/2015
Q: Ester Simplot Park
What happened to the fish that were in the pond that they drained for the park construction.A:
After the pond was lowered, contractors for the City of Boise helped us lower an electrofishing boat into the remaining water. We then spent a day collecting as many game fish as possible. Captured fish, mostly largemouth bass and bluegill, were then transferred into adjacent ponds.answered 7/21/2015
Q: Early Antelope Tags
Can you just walk in after Aug 1st and buy an early antelope tag for archery? I've heard of people doing this or so they claim. I just thought it was pretty unfair if so especially before the second draw results even come out? Just wanted a correct answer on it.A:
Unclaimed pronghorn controlled hunts go back into the second drawing. Hunters can apply for those hunts August 5 through August 15. The IDFG Director may make some early hunts available through a first-come, first-served leftover sale on August 6 at 10:00 am mountain time. A list of hunts to be offered through a leftover sale on August 6 will be made available on our website around August 4.answered 7/21/2015
Q: When is the Land Owner Drawing?
I sent in a check with my application and it has not cleared the Bank.A:
Sorry for the delayed answer. The LAP drawing was completed at the end of July.answered 7/21/2015
Report it online at 7/21/2015
Q: Sportsman Access Signs
Are the 'Sportsman Access' Signs for fishing areas only? Or can they also point the way to hunting areas?A:
Generally speaking, the brown colored Sportmen's Access signs you see driving Idaho roads highlight fishing and/or boating access sites. Access to hunting areas on private lands are publicized in Access Yes guides available annually in September.answered 7/21/2015
Q: Being in the field with game cameras
Is it legal to be out in the field with game cameras. This person is currently under penalty for a game violation. Had his license suspended for 1 year as of First of Nov.A:
It is legal to photograph wildlife. The term 'hunt' in Idaho does not include stalking, attracting, searching for, or lying in wait for, any wildlife by an unarmed person solely for the purpose of watching wildlife or taking pictures thereof.answered 7/20/2015
Q: Snow Goose Conservation Season
I would like to know why the spring season ends so early? This year and years past, the birds only move into the area I hunt in good numbers the last week of season, if then. Does the framework given by the Feds allow you to extend the season longer or shift dates later?A:
Because snow geese are migratory game birds, the federal governments of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, under the authorities of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, are ultimately responsible for their protection and conservation in North America. In the United States, this responsibility has largely been delegated to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The Pacific Flyway Council cooperates with the USFWS to develop regulations for migratory birds in the United States west of the Continental Divide. Both organizations consider the welfare of migratory bird populations first, and then public demands for recreation and subsistence harvest, and other uses. The USFWS sets migratory game bird hunting regulations by establishing the frameworks, or outside limits, for season lengths, bag limits, and areas for migratory game bird hunting. The total length of the light (Snow and Ross’s) goose season cannot exceed 107 days. The existing framework established by the USFWS currently allows for light goose hunting until 10 March in the Pacific Flyway; therefore, the March 10 closure is the latest date allowed as per the Federal Framework. Furthermore, the most recent (2013) Pacific Flyway Management Plan for Western Arctic Population Lesser Snow Geese states the following: “Seek an overabundant designation for WAP lesser snow geese and implementation of Conservation Order seasons in Canada and the United States, or implementation of direct control on the primary breeding colony on Banks Island if the 2013 photo inventory indicates population growth.” The 2013 Banks Island photo inventory did NOT indicate population growth. As a result, an “overabundant” designation has not been sought in the Pacific Flyway to date. However, a banding program was initiated on Banks Island during July 2015 and has been funded through 2019. Results from this work will help to better inform light goose management in the Pacific Flyway in the future. It is important to note that snow goose seasons in the Pacific Flyway are not similar to the “Conservation" seasons in the Midwest. Snow geese in the Central and Mississippi flyways are from the Mid-continent breeding population, and have been designated as “overabundant” due to extensive damage to their arctic tundra breeding grounds. In an effort to provide hunting opportunity for snow geese in Idaho, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game will continue to recommend a light goose season that closes as late as possible under the Federal Framework.answered 7/19/2015
Q: Bison shot by Idaho fish and game near Henry's lake
The was a report that Idaho fish and game officers shot and killed bison sleeping near the road to Henry's lake. You don't kill elk resting by the road and they are as big a hazard as a buffalo. Is this report true and if it is why were they shot and not hazed back into a more remote area?A:
Bison are under the jurisdiction of the Idaho Department of Agriculture.answered 7/17/2015
Q: Did the rule change? Can a felon now hunt in Idaho with a bow?
I heard that the rules have changed and that a convicted felon can now hunt in Idaho. Is that true?A:
Idaho no longer restricts felons' possession of archery equipment. In general, there are fewer restrictions for weapons that do not involve explosive action. PLEASE NOTE: Individuals convicted of felonies are responsible for doing their own research to see if the law allows them to possess firearms. Laws vary among states and the federal government as to the restriction and restoration of rights for convicted felons.Also note that, in Idaho, one does need a bowhunter certification to hunt in an archery only hunt.This past legislative season, the rules defining a firearm restriction were indeed changed. As of July 1, 2015, there are now fewer restrictions on what firearms that certain felons may possess.Idaho Code Section 18-3302 defines “firearm” as “any weapon that will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive.”This includes all guns using explosive force, including:rifles,shotguns,handguns,muzzleloaders and similar guns.Before July 1, 2015 there was a different and broader definition of firearm that no longer applies. Here are links to the basic Idaho laws on this subject: Federal Restrictions: There are also federal restrictions on possession of firearms. Here’s a link to a U.S. Department of Justice summary of federal restrictions: 7/16/2015
Q: Fish stocking in certain lakes in valley county
I looked at your stocking report, and I do not see that you have stocked Skein Lake or Box Lake in Valley county this year or last. What determines when you stock a certain lake? We went to Josephine Lake a few days ago and there are only minnow sized fish. Same with Loon Lake, do not see stocking going on and they are minnow sized as we discovered last week. It's hard to get excited about hiking Valley county trails when no fish are being stocked in several of the high mountain lakes. Thanks for your time.A:
Most mountain lakes in Idaho are stocked on a 3-year rotation unless we've documented natural reproduction at a level that could support sport fishing. That would mean Skein and Box lakes should be on the planting schedule for this August and September when we stock these lakes from our McCall Hatchery. Recent drought conditions across Idaho have had an impact on many mountain lakes. With less snowpack some lakes we've historically stocked have gone dry or water has been low enough freezing has killed the fish population. Because we only visit individual mountain lakes about once every ten years, we count on anglers like yourself to provide us current information. Thank you for your comments. They will be pass to the local fish manager at our McCall Office.answered 7/11/2015
Q: Steelhead over Lower Granite in March
The annual surge of steelhead over Lower Granite Dam in March has me puzzled. Given that the majority of Idaho bound steelhead come over LGD in the late summer and fall, what's going on with the fish that come over in March?A:
Call it "Mother Nature's" fail-safe for any event that may effect survival of adult steelhead that arrive in Idaho earlier in the year. If there is a rain-on-snow event that causes fish mortality or other natural disaster, there still will be late arriving fish to spawn and perpetuate the species. Genetics typically determine when Steelhead return to Idaho. We have Steelhead that spend one-year in the ocean; two years or even three. There are also Steelhead that never migrate to the ocean but still reach sexual maturity and spawn with the larger ocean-run fish. They will actually begin their journey to Idaho as yearly as June in July, however, thermal barriers (pockets of warm water) will delay them at points in the Columbia River. We've also had Steelhead delay entry into the Snake River until water temperatures cool from a rain event or release of cool water from one of the dams. Steelhead continue to thrive in Idaho - despite all the "hurdles" because they have diversity in when they return to Idaho from the ocean.answered 6/25/2015
Q: How often will salmon be dropped into boise river?
Salmon were dropped last thursday, will they be dropped every week?A:
End of June is probably the last time we will stock Chinook Salmon in the Boise River. We only bring fish from Oxbow (mid-Snake River) or Rapid River (near Riggins) because we know these fish are of hatchery stock origin. By early July, the body of these fish are breaking-down (they haven't eaten since they left the ocean in March and April) and they are starting to stage to begin the final phase of their life - spawning. They don't handle the stress of transportation very well and their flesh quality is questionable. Enjoy the fish we've stocked in the Boise River and hope we have a large enough return next year of surplus fish to provide this unique fishing opportunity in the middle of Idaho's largest city.answered 6/25/2015
Can I fish anywhere/anytime for salmon/steelhead with a tag and license if catching and releasing? Even if the season is closed/area is closed?A:
No. Fishing for or targeting salmon/steelhead is prohibited unless a steelhead season is specifically opened for that water. In other words, no salmon/steelhead fishing (including catch/release) is allowed unless there is an open season for that river location. Steelhead rules can be found on our IDFG website, or download them here: Salmon seasons change annually, so watch the IDFG website for information on current seasons on our salmon fishing website: 6/19/2015
Q: eating wild pacific chinook salmon
What process should be followed to ensure the chinook salmon i have caught is okay to eat? I have read that saltwater kills many parasites and bacteria but these fish are caught in a freshwater river, are there parasites and worms in chinook salmon caught in the little salmon river? Can chinooks be eaten raw such as use in sushi? If there are worms, parasites, or other harmful organisms in chinook salmon what do I do to remove there or should the fish be thrown out it they are found?A:
Chinook salmon caught from the Little Salmon River are generally safe to eat. IDFG recommends following the USDA and FDA guidelines for safely handling and preparing your catch to prevent foodborne illness. If you will be eating fish within 2 days of catching it, make sure to store your fish on ice. Otherwise store it in the freezer. The safest way to prepare your salmon will be to cook it thoroughly, which will kill harmful parasites if present. While parasites may be present in some fish, they are usually less common in saltwater fish. For this reason, most sushi preparations focus on saltwater species, and those that live in the open ocean (like tunas, yellow tail, mackerel, salmon) and not bottom fish (like halibut). It's always best to cook seafood thoroughly to minimize the risk of foodborne illness. However, if you choose to eat raw fish anyway, one rule of thumb is to eat fish that has been previously frozen - usually as cold as possible. Try to freeze fish at temperatures of at least -14 deg F, or lower to better preserve flesh quality. Some species of fish can contain parasites, and freezing will kill any parasites that may be present. However, be aware that freezing doesn't kill all harmful microorganisms. That's why the safest route is to cook your seafood. Freshly caught salmon can be used for sushi preparations, but this is a personal judgement. Safely handling and storing your fish will be more important to preventing foodborne illness than parasites. You must understand the risks and use appropriate caution. IDFG recommends that you review some of the food safety guidelines at these links: 6/17/2015
Q: south fork salmon river quota
Is there a salmon quota set for the south fork salmon river? and if so what is it so far?A:
The estimated quota for the South Fork Salmon is changing every day as more fish arrive over Bonneville and Lower Granite dams. The current estimate is that the quota will be in the range of 1,000-1,500 salmon. Much of the run is still migrating up through the lower river system, so estimating the quota with certainty can be difficult. Fishing is not yet open on the river, so none of the quota has been harvested. Fishing opens this Friday the 19th. There have already been several hundress salmon collected at the South Fork trap, so there are already fish in the river. I would expect fishing to be good this weekend given the current conditions and numbers of fish in the river. Good luck!answered 6/16/2015
Q: I'm not catching any crayfish
I've seen them walking on rocks, but when I set my traps, I only catch 0-1 crawfish. I'm using 3 traps, and I've been setting them in shallow, rocky areas. I've been trying to catch a lot since mid-may this year. What bait should I use? I'm setting them in by Banbury, but I'm not sure if location has an effect on the productivity of crayfish. I need your expertise on how to catch them!A:
Crayfish are found in rocky areas where they have cover from predators (fish, birds, etc.). The best baits are chicken liver, fish entrails or other waste meat. Soak your trap along the rocky shore for several hours (over-night). What I've found to work well is a small can of cat food. Just punch several holes in the can with a drill or a "spud bar." Suspend the bait in the center of the trap with wire. You can also wrap other baits in mesh material and suspend it in the trap but the crayfish are effective at pulling the bait out of the material. Cans of tuna fish also work will but they are a little more expensive than cat food.answered 6/14/2015