south fork salmon river quota

Is there a salmon quota set for the south fork salmon river? and if so what is it so far?
The estimated quota for the South Fork Salmon is changing every day as more fish arrive over Bonneville and Lower Granite dams. The current estimate is that the quota will be in the range of 1,000-1,500 salmon. Much of the run is still migrating up through the lower river system, so estimating the quota with certainty can be difficult.  Fishing is not yet open on the river, so none of the quota has been harvested. Fishing opens this Friday the 19th. There have already been several hundress salmon collected at the South Fork trap, so there are already fish in the river. I would expect fishing to be good this weekend given the current conditions and numbers of fish in the river.  Good luck!
Answered on: 
Wednesday, June 17, 2015 - 1:40 PM MDT