Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.
Displaying 301 - 325 of 3534 questionsQ: Deer hunt
Can you get a bow tag and a rifle tag same season. Is it legal to purchase a bow tag and tag out on it. Then rifle hunt and tag out on that tag. So you would tag out on two deer.A:
Our deer tags are not sold for a particular weapon usage. You can hunt the early Archery Season, and, if you don't harvest, you can hunt the Any Weapon Season. To hunt the Archery Only, you are required to purchase the Archery Permit. If you were to harvest in the Archery Season and wish to continue hunting, you can purchase an second deer tag from the unsold Nonresident tags.answered 10/18/2015
Q: Fourth of July ridge fire
Why would you do a control burn fire with helicopters and man camps in commissary ridge 4 th July ridge durning middle of bull season why wasn't the hunters aware of this while they were buying tag that unit is tuff enough with all the people and lack accessA:
This is acutally a pretty good question and is bigger than just the Commissary Ridge area as controlled fires (fires actually ignited for a management purpose) can occur just about anywhere. Controlled fires are a fairly complex topic but their purpose is one that hunters and wildlife enthusiasts should applaude. They are most often designed to improve wildlife habitat in the long-term. There is nothing that does a better job at maintaining and improving habitat than fire in the right place and at the right time. In general, controlled burns require considerable preparation and planning. Once all of that is accomplished, the actual project is subject to weather conditions that create a narrow window when the project can be completed. Wind, moisture, humidity, and more all have to be within a "prescription" in order to proceed with the fire. Timing, therefore, is a major consideration and waiting for all the conditions to line up can be frustrating. Some years it just doesn't happen at all. Other times, the window for burning is small and requires quick action in order to accomplish the objective. In the case of the Commissary Ridge area of eastern Idaho, this burn is part of a much larger habitat improvement project conducted by the US Forest Service. This project has been in the implementation phase for nearly 10 years and is specifically targeting aspen regeneration, a very important component of wildlife habitat. Each year, a different portion of the project area is prepared for burning, often by felling a number of the conifer trees and letting them get to the "red needle" stage so that the fire will actually burn through the otherwise fire resistent aspens. Projects have always been conducted in autumn because that is when conditions finally become conducive to burning and also because it is outside of wildlife nesting and fawn/calf rearing dates. It is unfortunate that these efforts to improve habitat also sometimes coincide with big game hunting seasons. Every effort is made to avoid conflicts with hunters yet with hunting seasons running from August 30 to the end of November, it is impossible to avoid all conflicts. When all the many pieces come together for a project long in planning a preparation, managers must take advantage of that . Hunters should realize that these burns, while annoying in the short-term, help to sustain wildlife populations and provide better hunting in the long-term.answered 10/17/2015
Q: No license don't wanna kill anything just watch
Before I go through hunters Ed can I tag along with a buddy and go hunting with him for the sole purpose just to watch and see how it's done?A:
Yesanswered 10/17/2015
Q: 63A Deer seasons
I noticed that the regulations changed for the short range season to only allow harvest of antlerless from oct. 10th - 20th and antlered from oct 21-31. What was the reasoning behind changing it to this? Also, I noticed another question that had been asked on this website sometime toward the beginning of 2015 that mentioned their desire for archery only in 63A. I would like to see to it that this does not occur and that the short range season is allowed to continue and I would like to know how to receive the Upper Snake Region newsletter and participate in any regulation making so as to ensure the Short range season for this area continues.A:
We have recieved many comments from hunters and landowners who wish to see unit 63A changed to archery only. They usually cite property damage and human safety as the main reasons. This issue is discussed nearly every year during the season-setting process. Shotgun hunters would like the season to remain open to other short-range weapons and archery hunters would like to see it changed to archery only. The split season was a compromise that was adopted by the commission this year. Hunters are now required to identify the species and sex of the deer before they shoot. The rule change was intended to increase the time the animal is observed, decrease hurried shots, and decrease the danger to property and people. We would be happy to add you to the list of hunters that recieve our newsletter and we look forward to your participation in the season-setting process. The email address you provided will be added to the list. You can also call our regional office at 208-525-7290 to have additional email addresses added to the list.answered 10/16/2015
Q: Steelhead in the Boise river
With the lower return numbers of steelhead. Will there be enough to stock the Boise river?A:
We plan to stock the Boise River again in 2015 with steelhead trapped at Hells Canyon dam. Anticipated release date(s) in November will be advertised in the local media and on our webpage. Stay tuned!!answered 10/16/2015
Q: Transfer of elk tags
My uncle was in an accident and is unable to go elk hunting. Can he transfer his tag to me or anyone else?A:
In order to best answer your question, we need some additional information. Please call the Idaho Fish and Game Headquarters office at 208-334-3700. Thank you.answered 10/15/2015
Q: Transport of processed venison
My hunting partner and I will be hunting Whitetail deer out of Whitebird, ID. We desire to process or have the animals processed and transport back to Minnesota. Where can we obtain permits for the transport of processed venison harvested in Idaho?A:
Good Question. Page 100 in the Big Game Regulations states: The validated tag must remain attached to the carcass until the meat is processed and reaches the place of final storage and consumption. So if you have the animal processed... keep the validated tag with the meat until you reach your home in Minnesota. A reciept from the processor showing what was processed would also be good to have, but the tag is required. Good Luck Hunting...answered 10/15/2015
Q: Steelhead license
Can you print the confirmation email for the 3 day steelhead/salmon and is it valid if your license will not make it in the mail before you go on fishing trip?A:
You cannot fish for salmon or steelhead with a confirmation. You are required to have the permit in hand as it must be notched if you harvest a fish.answered 10/15/2015
Q: Tags not filled during Archery
If you purchase an Elk B Tag, and a Archery Permit does this limit you to hunt only archery season if you do not harvest an elk? I was told that this is not the case for a deer tag but I would like to be sure before I decide to shoot at anything. Also will I be limited to hunting with a bow because of this?A:
You may hunt the appropriate seasons for the tag you possess as listed in the current years big game rule booklets. For example if you purchase an Elk City B elk tag and an archery permit in 2015, you may participate in the early archery season and if you don't harvest in that season, you may participate in the any weapon season in October. Please contact us at 208-334-3700 if you have additional questions.answered 10/15/2015
Q: Blm property fenced
I have noticed that some BLM and other federal and state land is fenced, without any notice of no trespassing or no hunting. I have verified on fish & game hunting planer map and it is BLM, state or federal land. So can one hunt on this property?A:
BLM, USFS and state managed lands are mostly accessible to the public. Some lands such as parks, recreation areas near lakes, around buildings, campgrounds, compounds, etc. usually have a safety zone buffer. If a piece of public land is not specifically posted with signs it is open to hunting. Please use caution as always to make sure of your backdrop and safety of others when hunting on public or private land. Also, just because a piece of land is open does not mean it is safe or responsible to hunt there. Also, remember that firing a weapon from or across a road is also prohibited, and almost all federal and state agencies have some motorized vehicle travel restrictions. If you have specific questions about a piece of land, you may wish to contact the agency that is responsible for that land and also obtain a travel plan map of the area from that agency. Also, if you visit our hunt planner on the FG website, you can find more land ownership designations for your preferred hunting location.answered 10/15/2015
Q: Elk Concentration Bannock Zone
I am looking to purchase a general season antlerless elk tag in one of the units of the Bannock Zone. I am interested mainly in units 70, 73 and 73A. I am trying to figure out an area to hunt them where the concentrations are higher. I am only familiar with 73A in Bull Canyon but have not seen many elk in that area. Do you have any suggestions on areas to hunt to increase chances of harvesting an elk? Some of these areas are high in private property and I would like to find public land in the area to hunt and have a chance at success. Thank you for your time.A:
Elk populations in the Bannock Zone have a patchy somewhat unpredictiable distribution. We have not had many reports of depredation concerns in this zone this summer/fall, so you may have some success concentrating efforts in higher elevation areas, such as Bannock Peak, Scout Mountain, Kinnport Peak and Elkhorn Mountain.answered 10/14/2015
Q: Hunting Passport
Can you buy it in store & go out the same day? Or does it get shipped to you?A:
A hunting passport can be purchased at any vendor. The passport can be used the same day as it is purchased.answered 10/13/2015
Q: Muzzleloader bullets
Is the new federal lead mz muzzleloader bullet legal for the muzzleloader seasons?A:
I say no because the gas seal is part of the projectile. I would like this reviewed again by another enforcement person.answered 10/13/2015
Q: Disabled crossbow
Can I have a scope on a crossbow if I am a disabled hunter?A:
You possibly can without any magnification; you will need to fill out an application form that you can get at any of our FG regional offices. The application form you need is a special weapon reasonable modification hunting permit. This form will need to be filled out by you and signed by your physician and will be reviewed before any permit can be issued.answered 10/13/2015
Q: Can resident elk and deer tags be substituted for a wolf tag and are they only valid for that unit or zone?
Nonresident deer and elk tags can be substituted for a wolf, bear, or mountain lion. Can resident tags also be used in this way? And could an elk tag for the snake river zone be attached to a wolf shot in a different zone?A:
A resident may use an elk or deer tag on a wolf, bear or mountain lion only if it is a RES-NONRES TAG. This would be a general season nonresident tag purchased as a second tag on or after August 1st. Both elk or dear and other species must both be in season.answered 10/12/2015
Q: 2 point only
Is a 1x3 legal for 2 point only? I ask because the rules for 2 point says it only has to have no more than two points on one side can have multiple on the other. Three point says it's a three point if it has 3 points on one side.A:
Yes, a 1x3 is legal in a 2pt hunt. The 2 pt hunt is designed to target primarily yearling bucks The 3pt hunt is designed to target primarily adult bucks There are 2 separate and different definitions between a 2 pt hunt and a 3 pt hunt.answered 10/11/2015
Q: Please define public highway or roadway regarding illegal to shoot from.
I know that it is illegal to shoot from a public highway. This would obviously include a paved road. Does this also include a road on blm land that has a sign that states not maintained by county. Does this include the dirt and gravel road that is only maintained by those outdoorsmen who cut down fallen trees.A:
Idaho Code 36-1508(a) states: No person shall: Shoot from Public Highway. Discharge any firearm from or across a public highway. Idaho Code 36-202(x) states: "Public highway" means the traveled portion of, and the shoulders on each side of, any road maintained by any governmental entity for public travel, and includes all bridges, culverts, overpasses, fills, and other structures within the limits of the right-of-way of any such road. Any governmental agency could mean any federal, state or local governmental agency. Maintained can mean paved, graveled, graded, snow removal or any other maintenaince. If the road you are speaking about fits this definition, it would qualify as a public highway.answered 10/11/2015
If there are season dates listed in the 'Antlerless' column under the General Season or it states youth only with those dates, a youth can harvest a doe.answered 10/10/2015
Q: salmon fishing in Andersen res.
What are the fishing rules for Salmon in the Anderson res?A:
The salmon in Anderson Ranch Reservoir are landlocked fall Chinook that were stocked in the reservoir to help reduce the number of kokanee salmon. In Idaho rules, landlocked salmon are considered in the trout bag limit and all rules for catching trout also apply to fall Chinook in Anderson Ranch. You can use barbed hooks; 5 hooks per line and keep 6 fall Chinook per day.answered 10/9/2015
Q: Tag question
During regular deer season, with a muley tag can you shoot a muley or a white tail or only a muley??A:
If you have a Regular Deer Tag, you can hunt mule or white-tail deer unless indicated otherwises in the Big Game Seasons & Rules. You must hunt per the General Regular Deer Season and NOT per the White-tail Regular Season.answered 10/8/2015
Q: crawfish trapping specifics
I know how jugging works in Idaho, but is it legal to use a jug to hold your crawfish traps off the bottom while still maintaining the 48 hour trap checking rule?A:
There are no prohibitions in IDAPA rule or Idaho code on having your trap suspended from/off of the bottom.answered 10/8/2015
Q: Why the different ages for the different youth hunts?
Why do we have different ages for youth hunts? Turkey youth hunt is age 10 to 15.. Age for pheasant and waterfowl youth hunts is age 10 to15. Big game hunts are age 10 to 17. Why don't we put all youth hunts at ages 10 to 17?A:
Thank you for the question. The Department put together a team last winter to look at these types of rules and will be making a recommendation to simplify and make youth hunting opportunities more consistent. These rules will need to be approved by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission and be approved through the legislative process before they are enacted. Thank you.answered 10/8/2015
Q: Boise and steelhead
Do the numbers look good enough for a Boise river stock?A:
At this time, it is too early to tell whether there will be steelhead transferred to the Boise River. Normally, the Oxbow Hatchery trap is opened in late October, but that is dependent on the water temperatures in the Snake River. Once the water temperture comes down where fish can be safely trapped and moved to Oxbow Hatchery, the numbers of steelhead available will become clear. It will likely be early November before we know for sure whether there will be enough steelhead to meet brood stock needs and provide fish to the Boise River. In years when we see average run numbers of steelhead returning, we typically make at least one plant to the Boise River. In good years, there may be as many as three plants. Right now it is just too early to tell what the season will look like for the Boise River.answered 10/8/2015
We're assuming you mean getting a tag replaced because it may be lost. If that's the case: Any local vendor or Fish and Game office can issue a duplicate license. However, lost tags, including deer and elk tags, can be replaced only at a Fish and Game office. Each duplicate item costs $7.25 for Idaho residents and $8.25 for nonresidents. Thanksanswered 10/7/2015
Q: Either species deer?
I bought a general deer day this year wanted to know if you can shoot just mule deer or can I shoot either white tail or mile deer? Units I hunt in are 60 60A 62 62A areas.A:
To be sure and safe, please check page 12 of the Big Game Seasons and Rules brochure. There are specific dates for hunting each species (mule deer / white-tailed) of deer. Thanks!answered 10/7/2015