Do the numbers look good enough for a Boise river stock?
At this time, it is too early to tell whether there will be steelhead transferred to the Boise River. Normally, the Oxbow Hatchery trap is opened in late October, but that is dependent on the water temperatures in the Snake River. Once the water temperture comes down where fish can be safely trapped and moved to Oxbow Hatchery, the numbers of steelhead available will become clear. It will likely be early November before we know for sure whether there will be enough steelhead to meet brood stock needs and provide fish to the Boise River. In years when we see average run numbers of steelhead returning, we typically make at least one plant to the Boise River. In good years, there may be as many as three plants. Right now it is just too early to tell what the season will look like for the Boise River.
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Thursday, October 8, 2015 - 9:55 AM MDT