Price Lock FAQ
Q: What if I have a Lifetime Certificate?
You are automatically locked into the lower 2017 prices for any and all other licenses, tags and permits for at least the next 5 years.
Q: What if I have my 2017 annual license but not yet purchased my 2018 license?
Congratulations! You are locked in to 2017 prices for 2018. Just buy your annual license every year for as long as the Price Lock program is active and you will continue to pay 2017 prices each year.
Q: What if I buy a 3-day or daily license, does this qualify for Price Lock?
Sorry, but the answer is no. To be part of the Price Lock program, you need to purchase or hold any valid 2017 resident annual license. To continue to stay in the program, you also need to purchase or hold a valid resident annual license in future consecutive years.
Q: Do I need to buy a license every year to stay locked into 2017 prices?
Yes. To benefit from Price Lock, you will need to buy an annual license each consecutive year after 2017.
Q: How long will Price Lock last?
The Price Lock program will last at least for 5 years, through 2022. At that time, the Idaho Legislature and Idaho Fish and Game Commission will review Price Lock to decide if it will continue. If enough people participate in Price Lock, the program may be extended.
Q: How much money do I save?
How much you save depends on what tags and permits you usually purchase. In general, if you buy a 2017 license, you will save 20% on all your items every year you stay in the Price Lock program.
Q: What if I missed out on Price Lock because I’m in the military, a full time college student, or out of state for religious purposes?
- If you are serving in the U.S. military, together with your spouse and children under 18, and are officially transferred out of state but maintain Idaho as your official state of residence, you are eligible for Price Lock. Proper documentation is required.
- If you are a fulltime college student attending school out of state but maintain Idaho as your official state of residence, you can still lock in 2017 prices if you didn’t buy a 2017 license. Proper documentation is required.
- If you are absent from the state for religious purposes up to two years but maintain Idaho as your official state of residence, you are still eligible for Price Lock. Proper documentation is required.
Q: What if I missed out on Price lock because I’m a first time buyer or just missed it?
As long as the Price Lock program is active, you may purchase a 3-year resident license any time, or any year, at 2017 prices and receive all the benefits of being locked in.
Q: Are there other benefits from Price Lock?
Price Lock is a win-win for you and Idaho Fish and Game. You are keeping your costs to fish, hunt and trap among the lowest in the West, and you are providing consistent funding for wildlife conservation, management and enforcement. In short, with Price Lock you are investing in Idaho’s fish and wildlife – making sure it is there next time you go hunting and fishing.
Q: Why are prices going up in 2018?
Idaho Fish and Game does not receive any general tax money from the State of Idaho. Most operations are financed through the fees sportsmen and women pay to hunt and fish in Idaho. The last fee increase for Idaho residents was in 2005. The cost of managing the State’s fish and wildlife increase every year and has exceeded the funds generated by licenses, tags and permits for several years. Fish and Game implemented a number of cost-saving measures during these lean times. In 2017, The State Legislature approved a fee increase, which goes into effect in 2018. The increase ranges from $1 to $6 dollars on licenses, tags and permits.
Q: Why are fees only going up on Idaho residents?
Fees for nonresident sportsmen and women were increased in 2009. At the time, this made Idaho’s nonresident fees higher than other western states. Today, Idaho’s nonresident license, tags, and permits are generally in the middle compared to surrounding states.
Q: Is the Access/Depredation Fee connected to Price Lock?
The Access/Depredation Fee is separate. This fee was enacted by the State Legislature to increase funds available to reimburse landowners for damage caused by wildlife to their crops and property. The access portion of the fee will go to improve hunting and fishing access. Learn more about this fee on the Access/Depredation page
Purchase Licenses,
Tags and Permits
- At License Vendors
- At Regional Offices
- With a credit card -
- Online
- Or by Phone: 1-800-554-8685
There is a processing fee for applications made by phone and online.
Is this you?
Price Lock allows for some exceptions. Read more if these situations apply to you.