Idaho Big Game Records

Records for big game taken or found in Idaho

Browse the list or refine by species and/or year. Each list is listed in order of score from largest-to-smallest.

Trophy entries that do not show location (county) and date of kill/pickup will not be accepted and entered into the Idaho Big Game Records. 

Idaho Big Game Records

Displaying 76 - 100 of 1549
Rank Record Holder General Location Year of Record Animal Score
76 Eva Calonge Fremont County 1960 Elk (Typical) 375
77 Don J. Burch Owyhee County 2005 Elk (Typical) 375
78 ** Kimberly Myers Teton County 2022 Elk (Typical) 375 0/8
79 Winston W. Solberg Fremont County 1959 Elk (Typical) 374 5/8
80 ** Greg Agpawe Caribou County 2003 Elk (Typical) 374 3/8
81 Garland Watts Clayton 1977 Elk (Typical) 373 3/8
82 *** Alan Parris Little Lost River 1975 Elk (Typical) 373
83 * Ben Howland Idaho County 1929 Elk (Typical) 372 3/4
84 John Agar Bonner County 1955 Elk (Typical) 372 1/4
85 Dale Peterson Idaho County 1980 Elk (Typical) 372 1/8
86 Richard Sciuchetti Shoshone County 1973 Elk (Typical) 371 7/8
87 Mike Huggins Mgt. Unit 19A 1982 Elk (Typical) 371 3/4
88 * David D. Lee Custer County 1977 Elk (Typical) 371 3/8
89 Gordon F. Larson Clearwater County 1973 Elk (Typical) 370 1/4
90 Aaron C. Robinson Benewah County 1961 Elk (Typical) 370
91 # Gordon T. Larson Weitas River 1973 Elk (Typical) 369 3/4
92 ** Steve Noort Bonner County 1986 Elk (Typical) 369 1/2
93 # Don Ruark Mgt. Unit 16 1964 Elk (Typical) 368 3/4
94 Chuck Coker Shoshone County 1992 Elk (Typical) 368 3/8
95 John Elliot Yellowpine 1975 Elk (Typical) 368 1/4
96 # Ben Sonnen Nez Perce County 1977 Elk (Typical) 368 1/8
97 Junior Bitton / Rex Bassett Caribou County 1956 Elk (Typical) 368
98 James E. Williams Mgt. Unit 18 1983 Elk (Typical) 368
99 * Don Ruark Idaho County 1964 Elk (Typical) 367 3/4
100 Alma Nelson Fremont County 1960 Elk (Typical) 367 5/8

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We are in the process of fixing white-tailed deer entries. Feel free to contact us if you notice errors in the lists.