Observations for SA Code N13IFG01IDUS
View bibliographic record for SA Code N13IFG01IDUS
Displaying 7451 - 7452 of 7452 observationsID | Date | Species | Observer | Observation Method(s) | Reporter | County | Type |
659135 | 3/30/2013 | White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) | John Nelson | Individual(s) Observed (seen), Observed Individual(s) in Hand or Close Range | idfg-jnelson | Latah | Observation of Roadkill |
1524118 | 8/23/2012 | Wolverine (Gulo gulo) | Gary Yearsley | Individual(s) Observed (seen) | idfg-ppeterson | Custer | Observation |