Species Identification Confidence:
I'm absolutely certain
Observation Method(s):
Heard Vocalizations
Count Type:
A Minimum
Life State:
Life Stage:
Species Account:
A Townsend’s big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) was recorded at 23:39. Upon completion of Anabat field data recording, JBR biologist Ryan Clerico downloaded and transmitted the raw recorder data to Dr. Michael O’Farrell of O’Farrell Biological Consulting (http://www.mammalogist.org). Dr. O’Farrell reviewed the individual recorded sequence files against known sonar signatures of bat species potentially occurring in the area, separated those files by species, and provided analysis results to JBR in the form of species signatures by location and time recorded.
Decimal Degrees: 42.6,-111.3
Location Precision:
±10 meters
Location Resource:
Transformed Location
Location Use:
Habitat Description:
Anabat unit was deployed at the base of a NE-facing cliff band that extends SE-NW for nearly 1,800 ft and varies in height from 30 to over 80 ft. The location of the Anabat unit was approximately midway along this cliff, where the height was approximately 40 ft and several large crevices deep into the cliff face were present. At the top of the cliff is a sagebrush knob, and at the base of the cliff is a mature aspen stand that quickly transitions into large conifers. No guano was observed, and bats had not previously been observed at this location. The Anabat unit was deployed by Ryan Clerico at approximately 1700 hrs on Sep 17, 2009, with the unit placed at the base of the cliff on a small ledge approximately 4 ft off the ground, with the receiver oriented away from the rock face. The temperature at the time of deployment was in the upper-60s. The unit was left out for the duration of the night and retrieved by another JBR biologist at 0800 hrs the following morning. Temperature on nearby Trail Creek Road, approximately 10 mi NW of the site, was in the upper 40s at 2300 hrs.
Game Management Unit:
Date Time:
September 18, 2009, 5:39 pm MDT
Date/Time Precision:
Date Notes:
If the species was recorded at 2339 hrs (11:39 pm), I'm not sure why 5:39 a.m. is in the Time slot.
Location Unresolveable:
Source Type:
Animal Observation Report (Sightings)
Verification Status: