Publication Type:
Web ArticleSource:
Botanical Electronic News, Dr. A. Ceska, Volume 468, Victoria, BC, Canada, p.4 pp. plus illustrations (2013)Call Number:
Juncus brachyphyllus, Juncus trilocularisAbstract:
Juncus brachyphyllus (short-leaf rush) is found in damp ground in the Great Plains, from Nebraska to Illinois and Texas. It is entirely restricted to terrain east of the Rocky Mountains. Technical characters separate true J. brachyphyllus from plants of our region, west of the continental divide. The plants we called J. brachyphyllus in Washington have a new name, J. trilocularis, which is distinguished by the length of the style and anthers, and the striations on the stem.
Reference Code: U13ZIK01IDUS
Full Citation: Zika, P. 2013. Juncus trilocularis (Juncaceae), a new species in Washington. Botanical Electronic News 468. 4 pp. plus illustrations. Accessed 19 Apr 2016.
Originally published in Douglasia, 37 No. 2: 3-5. 2013.
Location: ELECTRONIC FILE BOTANY: PLANT SPECIES: {Juncus trilocularis}