Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Brixen A(Allen R).  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Brixen, Al (Allen R.)..  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the Goodwin Meadows quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the White Bird Hill quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the Dairy Mountain quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A.  1988.  Map of the McKinzie Creek quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Brixen A..  1988.  Map of the Harpster quadrangle, showing Calochortus nitidus population sites and rating of density (H,M,L), Nez Perce National Forest land.  
Broad K..  1989.  Lichens in southern woodlands. Forestry Commission Handbook 4.  
Broadbooks H.E.  1970.  Home ranges and territorial behavior of the yellow-pine chipmunk, Eutamius amoenus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  51:310-326.
Brock T.D.  1970.  High temperature systems.  Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.  1:191-220.
Brock T.D, Brock M.L.  1969.  Recovery of a hot spring community from a catastrophe.  Journal of Phycology.  5:75-77.
Brockman C.F.  1986.  Trees of North America: a field guide to the major native and introduced species north of Mexico.
Brodberg R., Fisher T.R.  1976.  Scirpus subterminalis Torr. (Cyperaceae): a new state record.  Ohio Journal of Science.  76(3):109-110.
Brodie, Jr. ED.  1970.  Western salamanders of the genus Plethodon: systematics and geographic variation.  Herpetologica.  26(4):468-516.  Available from
Brodie JF, Post E.  2010.  Nonlinear responses of wolverine populations to declining winter snowpack.  Population Ecology.  52(2):279–287.  Available from
Brodie, Jr. E.D.  1984.  Letter to J. Gore, USFWS, Boise, voicing Brodie's lack of support for listing the Idaho and Montana populations of Plethodon vandykei.  
Brodo I.M, Sharnoff S.D, Sharnoff S..  2001.  Lichens of North America.
Brodo IM.  2016.  Keys to Lichens of North America: Revised and Expanded. New Haven (Connecticut): Yale University Press.  
Brody AJ.  1992.  The sociality of Piñon Jays with and without Piñon Pine.  Master of Science in Biology:179.
Brody JE.  1990.  Gardens of plant tissue in labs seen as factories for vital drugs.  New York Times.    Available from
Broich S.L.  1990.  Re-examination of Lupinus cusickii.  
Bronikowski A.M, Arnold S.J.  2001.  Cytochrome b phylogeny does not match subspecific classification in the western terrestrial garter snake, THAMNOPHIS ELEGANS.  Copeia.  2001:508-513.
Brooks H.C, Vallier T.L.  1967.  Progress report on the geology of part of the Snake River Canyon, Oregon and Idaho.  Ore Bin.  29(12):233-266.
Brooks ML.  2002.  Peak fire temperatures and effects on annual plants in the Mojave Desert.  Ecological Applications.  12(4):1088-1102.  Available from
Brooks P.J, Urban K., Yates E., Johnson, Jr. C.G.  1991.  Sensitive plants of the Malheur, Ochoco, Umatilla, and the Wallowa-Whitman National Forests.  
Brooks M.L, Pyke D.A.  2002.  Invasive plants and fire in the deserts of North America. Miscellaneous Publication No. ll.