Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Bionomics Management, Environmental Services.  2002.  Survey for wild Boise onion, north parcel, Dengler property.  
Bird C.D, Marsh A.H.  Submitted.  Phytogoegraphy and ecology of the lichen family Parmeliaceae in southwestern Alberta.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  51:261-288.
Birkenstein L.R, Tomlinson R.E.  1981.  Native names of Mexican birds.  
Birnbaum S..  2010.  In search of Sacajawea's bitterroot.  Idaho Naturalist News.  2 (4):11.
Birnbaum S.  2018.  Monitoring Packard’s milkvetch (Astragalus packardiae) in Southwestern Idaho, 2017 results.  
Birstein V.J.  1993.  Sturgeons and paddlefishes: threatened fishes in need of conservation.  Conservation Biology.  7(4):773-787.
Bisson P.A, Rieman B.E, Luce C., Hessburg pF, Lee D.C, Kershner J.L, Reeves G.H, Gresswell R.E.  2003.  Fire and aquatic ecosystems of the western USA: current knowledge and key questions.  Forest Ecology and Management.  178:213-229.
Bissonette J.A, Larsen B.C.  1991.  Annotated bibliography for the spotted frog, Rana pretiosa.  
Bissonette J.A, Steinkamp M.J.  1996.  Bighorn sheep response to ephemeral habitat fragmentation by cattle.  Great Basin Naturalist.  56(4):319-325.
Bitterroot National Forest.  Submitted.  No description.  Bitterroot National Forest..  
Bitterroot National Forest, Clearwater National Forest, Lolo National Forest, Nez Perce National Forest.  1992.  Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness General Management Direction, 1992 Update.  
Bizeau E.G.  1972.  Evaluation of Hager Pond, Bonner County, Idaho, for potential as Registered Natural Landmark.  
Bizeau E.  Submitted.  Professional Background Information.  Bizeau, Elwood.  
Bjergo C., Boydstun C., Crosby M., Kokkanakis S., Sayers R..  1995.  Non-native aquatic species in the United States and coastal waters. Our living resources: a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U. S. plants, animals and ecosystems.  LaRoe E.T, editor. Washington (DC): National Biological Service.   p. 428-431.
Bjork C.  2011.  Email from Curtis Bjork to Lynn Kinter regarding plant name changes and typo corrections.  
Bjork CR, Darrach M.  2009.  An investigation of morphological evidence supports the resurrection of Pyrrocoma scaberula (Asteraceae: Astereae).  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  3(1):231-238.
Bjork CR.  2010.  Douglasia conservatorum (Primulaceae), a New Species from Idaho and Montana, U.S.A. Novon.  Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature.  20(1):9-12.
Bjork C.R.  2010.  Sedum Valens (Crassulaceae), A New Species from the Salmon River Canyon of Idaho.  Madrono.  57(2):136-140.
Björk C. R., Fishbein M.  2006.  Astragalus asotinensis (Fabaceae), a Newly Discovered Species from Washington and Idaho, United States.  Novon.  
Bjork C..  1997.  Spiranthes diluvialis in Washington State (Okanogan County).  
Bjork C.R.  2010.  Distribution patterns of disjunct and endemic vascular plants in the interior wetbelt of northwest North America.  Botany.  88(4):409-428.
Bjork C.R.  2011.  Email response to Lynn Kinter regarding common names for his new species of Douglasia, Astragalus, and Sedum, September 13.  
Bjork C.R, Fishbein M..  2006.  Astragalus asotinensis (Fabaceae): A Newly Discovered Species from Washington and Idaho, United States.  Novon.  16 (3):299-303.
Björk CR, Goward T, Spribille T.  2009.  New records and range extensions of rare lichens from waterfalls and sprayzones in Inland British Columbia, Canada.  Evansia.  26(4):219-224.
Bjork C.R.  2011.  Results of 2010 Astragalus asotinensis surveys With notes on floristics of Hells Canyon, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.