Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Baskin CC, Baskin J.M.  2000.  Seed germination ecology of Lesquerella lyrata Rollins (Brassicaceae), a federally threatened winter annual.  Natural Areas Journal.  20:159-165.
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Bateman H.L, Ostoja S.M.  2012.  Invasive woody plants affect the composition of native lizard and small mammal communities in riparian woodlands.  Animal Conservation.  15(3):294-304.
Bates J.W, Moretti M.O.  1994.  Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) population ecology in eastern Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  54:248-255.
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Bates KK.  2001.  Monitoring raptors during autumn migration in southwestern and southcentral idaho, 1998 annual summary.  
Batson F.T, Cuplin P.E, Crisco W.A.  1987.  Riparian area management - the use of aerial photography to inventory and monitor riparainl areas.  
Bauer pJ.  1983.  Bumblebee pollination relationships on the Beartooth Plateau tundra of southern Montana.  American Journal of Botany.  70(1):134-144.
Bauer K.L.  1991.  Observations on the developmental biology of Cicindela arenicola Rumpp (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae).  Great Basin Naturalist.  51(3):226-235.
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Baumann RW, Gaufin AR.  1971.  New species of Nemoura from western North America.  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  47(4):270-278.
Baumann RW, Stark BP.  2013.  The genus Megaleuctra Neave (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) in North America.  Illiesia.  9(6):65-93.  Available from
Baumann R..  2005.  Printouts of two email messages and a PDF from Dr. Richard Baumann, BYU, containing information extracted from caddisfly and stonefly specimen labels.  
Baumann RW.  1973.  Studies on Utah stonefiles (Plecoptera).  Great Basin Naturalist.  33:91-108.  Available from
Baumann RW, Gaufin AR, Surdick RF.  1977.  The stonefiles (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society.  No. 31.  Roback SS, editor. Philadelphia (PA): The American Entomological Society at The Academy of Natural Sciences.    Available from
Baumann RW, Kondratieff BC.  2008.  The Alloperla severa complex (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae) of western North America.  Illiesia.  4(6):66‐75.  Available from
Baumgardner G.D, Kennedy M.L.  1993.  Morphometric variation in kangaroo rats (genus DIPODOMYS) and its relationship to selected abiotic variables.  Journal of Mammalogy.  74:69-85.
Baumgardt J.A, Sauder J..  2012.  Occupancy modeling of the Nimapuna tigersnail, a terrestrial gastropod endemic to Idaho.  
Baumgardt J, Sauder J.  2012.  Middle Fork Clearwater CFLRP Nongame Inventory Project: a preliminary analysis of gastropod survey data.  
Baumgardt JA, Sauder JD, Nicholson KL.  2014.  Occupancy modeling of woodpeckers: maximizing detections for multiple species with multiple spatial scales. Draft.  
Baumgardt JA, Sauder JD, Nicholson KL.  2014.  Occupancy modeling of woodpeckers: maximizing detections for multiple species with multiple spatial scales.  Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.  5(2):198-207.