Bibliography and Citations

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Saxton C..  1997.  Bald eagles in Idaho.  
Sawtooth National Forest, Fairfield Ranger District.  Submitted.  No description.  Sawtooth National Forest, Fairfield Ranger District..  
Sawtooth National Forest.  1991.  Riparian Evaluation-Level II Vegetation; Hyndman - below private land.  
Sawtooth National Forest.  1991.  Riparian Evaluation-Level II Vegetation; Oregon Gulch - upper portion of drainage.  
Sawtooth National Forest.  1991.  Riparian Evaluation-Level II Vegetation; East Fork Wood River - Sunshine Mine to Paymaster Gulch.  
Sawtooth National Forest.  1991.  Riparian Evaluation-Level II Vegetation; Oregon Gulch - 6400' to mouth of drainage.  
Sawtooth National Forest.  1991.  Riparian Evaluation-Level II Vegetation; East Fork Wood River - Paymaster Gulch to Federal Gulch.  
Sawtooth National Forest.  1991.  Riparian Evaluation-Level II Vegetation; Milligan Gulch - Headwaters.  
Sawtooth National Forest.  1991.  Riparian Evaluation-Level II Vegetation; Cove Creek - the narrows.  
Sawtooth National Forest.  1992.  1992 Sawtooth National Forest Goshawk Nesting Territories.  
Sawtooth National Forest.  1991.  Riparian Evaluation-Level II Vegetation; Hyndman - Deadend Canyon.  
Sawtooth National Forest.  1991.  Riparian Evaluation-Level II Vegetation; Cove Creek - south of the narrows.  
Savile D.BO 74..  1974.  Some new or poorly known rusts of Brassicaceae.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  52(7):1501-1507.
Savard J.L, Smith G.EJ, Smith J.NM.  1995.  Duckling mortality in Barrow's goldeneye and bufflehead broods.  Auk.  108:568-577.
Savard J.-P.L.  1985.  Evidence of long-term pair bonds in Barrow's Goldeneye (BUCEPHALA ISLANDICA).  Auk.  102:389-391.
Savard J.-L., Smith G.EJ, Smith J.NM.  1991.  Duckling mortality in Barrow's goldeneye and bufflehead broods.  Auk.  108(3):568-577.
Savard J-PL.  1985.  Evidence of long-term pair bonds in Barrow's goldeneye (Bucephala islandica).  Auk.  102(2):389-391.  Available from
Savard J.-P.L, Eadie J.M.  1989.  Survival and breeding philopatry in Barrow's and common goldeneyes.  Condor.  91:198-203.
Savard J-PL.  1986.  Polygyny in Barrow's goldeneye.  Condor.  88(2):250-252.  Available from
Savage C..  1965.  Geologic history of Pend Oreille Lake region in north Idaho.  
Savage T..  1963.  Reproductive behavior of the mottled sculpin, COTTUS BAIRDI (Girard).  Copeia.  1963:317-325.
Saul S..  1996.  MacFarlane's Four-o'clock is reclassified.  Endangered Species Bulletin.  XXI(3):26.
Saul J.M.  1980.  Theses and dissertations accepted at the University of Idaho, arranged by major/department, 1980-1984.  
Saul S., al. et.  In Press.  A survey of bat populations and their habitat preferences in southern Oregon.  
Sauer J.R, Hines J.E, Fallon J.E, Pardieck K.L, Ziolkowski, Jr D.J, Link W.A.  2014.  The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Results and Analysis 1966–2013. Version 01.30.2015.    Available from