Bibliography and Citations

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Trook J..  2009.  Effects of climate change on distribution of American pika (Ochotona princeps) in the western United States.  :51pp..
Trombulak S., Gilstrap F.E, Hutchins M., Rassam G., Grimm N.B, Williams A.S.  2006.  Scientific Societies' statement on the Endangered Species Act.  
Troelstrup, Jr. NH, Stueven G.  2007.  Reference site selection for monitoring and assessment of intermittent streams in South Dakota.  
Troelstrup, Jr. NH.  2010.  Reference site selection for monitoring and assessment of intermittent streams in the Northern Glaciated Plains Ecoregion of South Dakota.  South Dakota REMAP Project.    Available from
Tripp B.B, Powers L.R.  1996.  Fall and winter observations of northern goshawks in southwestern Idaho, 1983-1994.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  32(1):65-70.
Tripp B.B, Powers L.R.  1990.  Winter car survey of diurnal raptors of Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge and surrounding area.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  26(1):82-87.
Triplehorn CA, Thomas DB.  2011.  Studies in the genus Eleodes Eschscholtz with a revision of the subgenus Melaneleodes Blaisdell and Omegeleodes, new subgenus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Eleodini).  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  137(3/4):251-281.  Available from
Trillhaase M..  1984.  A rare salamander has zoologists scratching their heads.  Palouse Living.  41095:6.
Trigoboff N.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Trigoboff, Norm..  
Trigoboff N..  1987.  Report on 1987 sensitive plant species on the Priest Lake Ranger District, Idaho Panhandle National Forest, ID.  
Tribes S-P, Rabe C, Abele S, Davidson A, Saul D, Owen A, Abele S.  2004.  Biological characterization and status. Edition Prepared for the Northwest Power and Conservation Council.  Bruneau Subbasin Assessment.  [Portland]: Northwest Power and Conservation Council.   p. 62-139.  Available from
Trever K.  2012.  Slickspot decision notes on key reason for vacating the rule.  
Trent T..  2006.  A letter to Jeff Foss, U. S. Fish and Wildlife, regarding Mirabilis Macfarlanei.  
Trenham P.C, Jagger L.A, Koenig W.D, Mossman M.J, Stark S.L.  2003.  Regional dynamics of wetland-breeding frogs and toads: turnover and synchrony.  
Tremblay J., Ellison L.N.  1979.  Effects of human disturbance on breeding of black-crowned night-herons.  Auk.  96:363-369.
Treher A, Vrilakas S, C. Kinter L, Fertig W.  2021.  Palouse Milkvetch (Astragalus arrectus) Element Global Ranking (EGR) report by NatureServe, 2021.  
TRC Mariah Associates Inc..  1997.  Survey for Spiranthes diluvialis, Lower Sage Creek Canyon, Caribou County, Idaho.  
Travis J., Sutter R..  1986.  Experimental designs and statistical methods for demdographic studies of rare plants.  Natural Areas Journal.  6(3):3-12.
Traversa A, Loffredo E, Palazzo AJ, Bashore TL, Senesi N.  2013.  Enhancement of germination and growth of slickspot peppergrass in a new medium with two compost organic fractions.  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.  44(17):2636-2646.
Traugott M, Benefer CM, Blackshaw RP, van Herk WG, Vernon RS.  2015.  Biology, ecology, and control of elaterid beetles in agricultural land.  Annual Review of Entomology.  60:313-334.
Trass H., Randlane T..  1987.  Extinct macrolichens of Estonia.  Folia Cryptogamica Estonica.  25:1-7.
Trass H., Randlane T..  1986.  Lichen species of Estonia in need of protection.  Folia Cryptogamica Estonica.  21:1-3.
Toweill D.E.  1985.  The California bighorn sheep in Idaho.
Toweill D.E.  1999.  Biology and management of California bighorn sheep in western North America.
Toweill D.E.  1998.  Climate change and wildlife: what can we expect?